Friday, May 5, 2023

復活期第五周星期五 | Hebdomada quinta (V) Paschæ Feria sexta

選讀真福依撒格院長講道集Ex Sermónibus beáti Isaac abbátis monastérii de Stella (Sermo 42: PL 194, 1831-1832)
眾弟兄中的長子 Primogenitus in multis fratribus







Sícuti uníus hóminis caput et corpus, ipse unus homo, sic Fílius ille Vírginis, et elécta eius membra, ipse unus homo et unus hóminis Fílius. Totus, inquit Scriptúra, et ínteger Christus caput et corpus; síquidem ómnia simul membra unum corpus, quod cum suo cápite unus hóminis Fílius, qui cum Dei Fílio unus Dei Fílius, qui et ipse cum Deo unus Deus.

Ergo et totum corpus cum cápite hóminis Fílius et Dei Fílius, et Deus. Unde est et illud: Volo, Pater, ut, sicut ego et tu unum sumus, ita et isti unum sint nobíscum.

Itaque secúndum hunc in Scriptúris sensum célebrem, nec sine cápite corpus, nec sine córpore caput; nec sine Deo caput et corpus, totus Christus.

Itaque et ómnia cum Deo unus Deus; sed Fílius Dei cum Deo naturáliter, et cum ipso Fílius hóminis personáliter, cum quo suum corpus sacramentáliter.

Fidélia ígitur et rationabília Christi membra dícere se veráciter possunt hoc, quod est ipse, étiam Dei Fílium, ac Deum. Sed quod ipse natúra, hoc ipsa consórtio; quod ipse plenitúdine, hoc ipsa participatióne; dénique quod Dei Fílius generatióne, hoc eius membra adoptióne, sicut scriptum est: Accepístis Spíritum adoptiónis filiórum, in quo clamámus: Abba, Pater.

Iuxta quem Spíritum dedit eis potestátem fílios Dei fíeri, ut seléctim doceántur ab eo, qui primogénitus est in multis frátribus, dícere: Pater noster, qui es in cælis. Et álibi: Ascéndo ad Patrem meum et Patrem vestrum.

Quo enim Spíritu de útero Vírginis natus est hóminis Fílius caput nostrum, eo renáscimur de fonte baptísmatis, fílii Dei, corpus suum. Et sicut ille absque omni peccáto, sic et nos in remissiónem ómnium peccatórum.

Sicut enim totíus córporis ómnia peccáta super lignum in córpore carnis portávit, sic spiritáli córpori, ut nullum ei peccátum imputétur, per regeneratiónis grátiam donávit, sicut scriptum est: Beátus vir, cui non imputávit Dóminus peccátum. Beátus iste vir Christus procul dúbio est, qui, secúndum quod caput Christi Deus est, peccáta remíttit; cui, secúndum quod caput córporis homo unus est, nihil remíttitur; secúndum vero quod cápitis corpus plures, nihil imputátur.

Iustus in seípso, et iustíficans seípsum ipse. Solus Salvátor, solus salvátus; qui in córpore suo super lignum pértulit, quod de córpore suo per aquam ábstulit. Iterum per lignum et aquam salvans, Agnus Dei, qui tollit, quæ pértulit, peccáta mundi, sacérdos et sacrifícium, et Deus, qui, se sibi ófferens, se per se sibi, sicut Patri et Spirítui Sancto, reconciliávit.

From a sermon by Blessed Isaac of Stella, abbot 

Firstborn of many brothers 

Just as the head and body of a man form one single man, so the Son of the Virgin and those he has chosen to be his members form a single man and the one Son of Man. Christ is whole and entire, head and body, say the Scriptures, since all the members form one body, which with its head is one Son of Man, and he with the Son of God is one Son of God, who himself with God is one God. Therefore the whole body with its head is Son of Man, Son of God, and God. This is the explanation of the Lord’s words: Father, I desire that as you and I are one, so they may be one with us. 

And so, according to this well-known reading of Scripture, neither the body without the head, nor the head without the body, nor the head and body without God make the whole Christ. When all are united with God they become one God. The Son of God is one with God by nature; the Son of Man is one with him in his person; we, his body, are one with him sacramentally. Consequently those who by faith are spiritual members of Christ can truly say that they are what he is: the Son of God and God himself. But what Christ is by his nature we are as his partners; what he is of himself in all fullness, we are as participants. Finally, what the Son of God is by generation, his members are by adoption, according to the text: As sons you have received the Spirit of adoption, enabling you to cry, Abba, Father. 

Through his Spirit, he gave men the power to become sons of God, so that all those he has chosen might be taught by the firstborn among many brothers to say: Our Father, who are in heaven. Again he says elsewhere: I ascend to my Father and to your Father. 

By the Spirit, from the womb of the Virgin, was born our head, the Son of Man; and by the same Spirit, in the waters of baptism, we are reborn as his body and as sons of God. And just as he was born without any sin, so we are reborn in the forgiveness of all our sins. As on the cross he bore the sum total of the whole body’s sins in his own physical body, so he gave his members the grace of rebirth in order that no sin might be imputed to his mystical body. It is written: Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputes no guilt for his sin. The ‘blessed man’ of this text is undoubtedly Christ. Insofar as God is his head, Christ forgives sins. Insofar as the head of the body is one man, there is no sin to forgive; and insofar as the body that belongs to this head consists of many members, there is sin indeed, but it is forgiven and no guilt is imputed. 

In himself he is just: it is he who justifies himself. He alone is both Saviour and saved. In his own body on the cross he bore what he had washed from his body by the waters of baptism. Bringing salvation through wood and through water, he is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world which he took upon himself. Himself a priest, he offers himself as sacrifice to God, and he himself is God. Thus, through his own self, the Son is reconciled to himself as God, as well as to the Father and to the Holy Spirit.

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