Saturday, September 2, 2023

常年期第二十二主日、甲年 | Dominica vigesima secunda (XXII) per annum, Anno A 【NOVUS ORDO】

基督纪年 2023年09月03日

常年期第二十二主日、甲年 | Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

若瑟 夏志誠 主教 

廣東話 : 

普通話 : 

路加 徐錦堯 神父 Fr Luke Tsui
生經白刃頭方貴 By Experiencing the Naked Sword our Heads will be Venerable



中國文化: 俱往矣;數風流人物,還看今朝。(1)
First Reading (Jer 20:7-9) : Jeremiah could not resist to speak in God's name.

Second Reading (Rom 12:1-2) : Be a pleasing sacrifice to God

Gospel (Mt 16:21-27) : First prediction of the passion and resurrection the need to carry the cross

Chinese Classics -“All are past and gone; For truly great men, Look to this age alone.” (1)
-“The Great River eastward flows, With its waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone years.” (2)
-“Only by experiencing the bayonet of the naked sword will our head be venerable, To be buried in Huang Hua, my bones would give a fragrant scent.” (3)
耶穌開始對自己的門徒說:「誰若願意跟隨我,就該捨棄自己,背著自己的十字架,跟隨我。誰若願意保存自己的生命,反而會喪失生命;但是,誰若為我的緣故,喪失自己的生命,反而會得到生命。人即使賺得了全世界,卻喪失了自己,有甚麼益處呢?人還能付出甚麼代價來換回自己呢?」(瑪16:24-26) Then Jesus began to say to his disciples, ‘If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life? Or what will they give in return for their life? ( Mt16:24-26 )
生命有本、有末,有重要的、有次要的,我們一定要回到本源,找到最關鍵的東西。 Life has a beginning and an end; the most important thing is to return to the beginning and find what links it all together.
有許多人曾經談論過金錢能夠做到和不能夠做到的事。例如:金錢可以買到化妝品,但買不到青春;可以買到舒服的床,但買不到甜蜜的睡眠;可以買到婚姻,但買不到愛情;可以買到大屋,但買不到溫暖的家。金錢甚至可以買到一大群酒肉朋友,但買不到知己良朋,買不到生死之交、莫逆之交。 Many people discuss what can and cannot be achieved by wealth. For example, money can buy cosmetics but not youth; it can purchase a comfortable bed but not the sweetness of sleep; it can buy marriage but not love, a large house but not a close-knit family. Money can buy one many fair-weather friends but not close ones, nor a life-long a long life or intimate friendship.
在人生的本末中,青春是本,化妝品是末;睡眠、愛情是本,那張床和婚姻是末;友情和溫暖之家都是本,而那些酒肉朋友,或者房子的大小,都不是絕對重要的。 In a person's life there are ends and means to an end. The end may be youthful vigor, the means is the masquerade, sleep and love are ends, the comfortable bed and marriage are means. Friendship and a warm family are ends, the casual friends and the size of the room are not that important.
「人即使賺得了全世界,而喪失了自己,有甚麼益處?」傳說有一位聖人聽到這句話,於是捨棄了世界的榮華富貴,跟隨耶穌、進了修道院。 ‘What will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life?’ It is said that when one of the saints heard these words he immediately gave up all this world’s possessions and wealth and followed Jesus by entering a monastery.
生命很快完結,雖然這個生命很真實、很可愛,但到底亦不過是一個短暫的生命。近代一位詩人在縱論世間豪傑時,曾這樣描寫:不論是秦王、漢武,或唐宗、宋祖,或者是名震天下的成吉思汗,一切都「俱往矣」,而「數風流人物,還看今朝」。這首詞,充滿豪氣。它認為一切歷史上的偉人,都消逝了;今日能夠為歷史掌舵的,就只有我,只有我們這一群人。 Life ends in no time. Even though this life is very real and very lovely, it is very short. In the discussion of the great men in history, a contemporary poet wrote: ‘Whether it were Emperor Chin, Emperor Han Wu, Emperor Tang Zhong, Emperor Song Zu or the world famous Genghis Khan, “All are past and gone; For truly great men, Look to this age alone.”(1) This is a chivalrous poem. It said that all the great men in history were dead. Today, the only ones who can take the helm and steer the course of history are you and me.’
不過,無論寫詞人當日多麼意氣風發,今日在我們再讀這首詞的時候,在芸芸「俱往矣」的人中,不是也包括了詩人自己嗎? However, no matter how emotional the poet was when he wrote these words, when we read them today we cannot help but feel that the poet was one of those who were “All are past and gone.”
蘇軾另有一首詞說:「大江東去,浪淘盡,千古風流人物」,無論是甚麼風流人物,一樣會被浪花淘個淨盡。 Su Shi had another saying, “”The Great River eastward flows, With its waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone years.” (2) No matter who or what these heroes were, all were washed away by the great waves of times.
有一次,我返回出生之地大澳。晚上,我走到海邊,看著大海,看著高山。多少年來,這個海、這個山,曾經見過多少興亡,多少悲歡離合,但青山依舊,人物已經完全不同了。如果你有機會到墳場去,你會見到無論是王侯將相,或者販夫走卒,一律都會變成荒煙野蔓,走燐飛螢。 Once when I returned to Tai O where I was born I went down to the shore to look at the vast sea and the high mountains. Over the years the sea and the mountains had seen many joys and tragedies, welcomes and departures, young and old people, all different people and events. All were passed and gone, what still remain are the mountains and the seas. If you have an opportunity to visit a graveyard you will see that whether kings or generals, thieves or other, all have turned to ashes and are pitiful.
生命很快會過去。我們如何活這個生命,如何為我們的生命留下一些寶貴的記憶,使我們回憶時也會感到開心,感到不枉此生、無悔今生,這才是最重要的。 Yes, life passes by very quickly. How we live that life, what valuable record we leave behind, will cause us when we look back to be happy, ashamed or regretful - that is what is important.
有一副黃花崗的對聯這樣說:「生經白刃頭方貴,死葬黃花骨亦香」。若我們能夠好好地生活,甚至為了自己的理想,為了國家民族,以致連頭也曾經被利刃砍掉了,這個頭才是尊貴的。能夠葬在黃花崗裡,為革命而死,這副骨頭也會發出特殊的芳香。 This couplet was inscribed at Huang Hua Gang: “Only by experiencing the bayonet of the naked sword will our head be venerable, To be buried in Huang Hua, my bones would give a fragrant scent.”(3) If we lived meaningfully, living for our ideals and for our country and people, if we had to be beheaded by a sharp sword, this head would be worthy of honor and commendation. If we were to die for the revolution and could be buried in Huang Hua Gang, these bones would give out a fragrant scent.
有人曾經問過我:「神父,假如你活到八十歲的時候,忽然發現並沒有天主、沒有永生,你會不會後悔竟然信了八十年,並為一個不存在的天主而奉獻了自己呢?」 People once asked me, ‘Father if when you are eighty years old, you find out that there is no God or no eternal life, will you regret finally that for eighty years you have believed and offered yourself to God?
我當時毫不猶疑地回答:「不會後悔」。 At that moment, I answered without a doubt, “I would have no regrets.”
因為這個信仰生命本身,或更具體來說,我在信仰中而度的這個生命,本身就是一個豐富、積極、有意義和多姿多采的生命。我活得比不少的人更充實、更燦爛;有沒有神,有沒有永生,並不影響,更不取消我這八十年來璀璨的生命。我會很高興沒有白白地活了這八十年,我已經可以無悔今生。 Because faith-life in itself, or more concretely, my life of faith has been a rich, active, meaningful, beautiful life. Compared to many others, my life has been richer and brighter. If there were no God or after-life, it would make no difference. It would not do away with eighty years of a full life. I still would have had gratuitously eighty years of beautiful life. I have no regrets.
何況,在這生命道路的盡頭,我知道有永生在等著我,正如聖保祿宗徒所說:「這場好仗,我已打完,這場賽跑,我已跑到終點。從今以後,正義的冠冕已為我預備下了。」(參考弟後4:7-8) Even more so, when life's journey comes to an end, I know eternal life awaits me. And with the Apostle St Paul I can say, “ I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. From now on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness.” (1 Tim 4: 7-8)
無數聖人告訴我們,當我們在跟隨耶穌時,會遇到困難,會遇到十字架。但如果我們能夠捨棄自己,背著十字架跟隨耶穌,甚至為了耶穌基督而喪失自己的生命,我們反而會得到生命,一個更加豐盛的生命、永恆的生命。 Numerous saints have told us that when we follow Jesus we will encounter difficulties, we will meet the cross. But if we relinquish self and follow Jesus in carrying the cross even to losing our lives, we will instead save our life, a fuller and eternal life.
主耶穌,求你幫助我明白甚麼叫做生命。在這個短暫的生命中,在我只能活一次的時候,求你教我如何去活這一次,怎樣好好地去活這一次。 O Lord Jesus, help me to understand what we mean by life. In this temporary life which we live only once, teach us how to live it this once and how to live it well.

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