天主教教理 2547 上主為富貴人悲傷,因為他們把安慰置於大量的財富上(路 6:24)。 「驕傲人追求地上的權勢,而神貧的人卻尋求天國」。投靠天父的眷 顧足以解除明日的焦慮。信賴天主是準備人得到窮人的真福。他們 要看見天主。 | Catechism of the Catholic Church 2547 The Lord grieves over the rich, because they find their consolation in the abundance of goods.Lk 6:24. "Let the proud seek and love earthly kingdoms, but blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven."St. Augustine, De serm. Dom. in monte 1,1,3:PL 34,1232. Abandonment to the providence of the Father in heaven frees us from anxiety about tomorrow.Cf. Mt 6:25-34. Trust in God is a preparation for the blessedness of the poor. They shall see God. |
進堂詠 : 參閱詠86:3,5 上主,求你憐憫我,因為我整天呼求你。上主,你良善又仁慈;凡呼號你的,你必寬待他。 | Entrance Antiphon : Cf. Ps 86(85):3, 5 Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I cry to you all the day long. O Lord, you are good and forgiving, full of mercy to all who call to you. |
集禱經 全能的天主,你是一切美善的根源,求你使我們全心愛慕你的聖名,熱心恭敬你;並求你滋養、照顧和保存你播種在我們心中的美善。因你的聖子、我們的主耶穌基督,他和你及聖神,是唯一天主,永生永王。亞孟。 | Collect God of might, giver of every good gift,put into our hearts the love of your name, so that, by deepening our sense of reverence, you may nurture in us what is good and, by your watchful care, keep safe what you have nurtured. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. |
讀經一 : 恭讀耶肋米亞先知書 20:7-9 上主,你引誘了我;我讓自己受了你的引誘;你確實比我強,你勝利了。我終日成為笑柄,人人都嘲笑我。因為我每次發言,必得叫喊,必得高呼:「暴虐!破壞!」實在,上主的話,使我日日成為受侮辱和譏笑的原因。如果我說:我不再想念他,不再以他的名發言,我就覺得五內如焚,好像有一團烈火,蘊藏在我的骨髓裡;我竭力抑制,亦不可能。 | First Reading : Jer 20:7-9 You duped me, O LORD, and I let myself be duped; you were too strong for me, and you triumphed. All the day I am an object of laughter; everyone mocks me. Whenever I speak, I must cry out, violence and outrage is my message; the word of the LORD has brought me derision and reproach all the day. I say to myself, I will not mention him, I will speak in his name no more. But then it becomes like fire burning in my heart, imprisoned in my bones; I grow weary holding it in, I cannot endure it. |
答唱詠 : 詠63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9(℞. 詠63:2) ℞. 天主,你是我的天主,我的靈魂渴慕你。℣. 天主,你是我的天主,我急切尋覓你;我的靈魂渴慕你,我的肉身切望你,有如一塊乾旱涸竭、無水的田地。 ℞. ℣. 昔日,我曾在聖殿裡瞻仰過你,為看到你的威能,和你的光輝;因為你的慈愛比生命更寶貴,我的唇舌要時常稱頌你。 ℞. ℣. 我要一生一世讚美你。我要因你名,高舉雙手,向你祈禱。我的靈魂好似飽享了膏脂,我要以歡愉的口唇讚美你。 ℞. ℣. 你曾作了我的助佑;我要在你的羽翼下歡舞。我的靈魂緊緊追隨你;你的右手常常扶持我。 ℞. | Responsorial Psalm : Ps 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9(℞. 2b) ℞. My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.℣. O God, you are my God whom I seek; for you my flesh pines and my soul thirsts like the earth, parched, lifeless and without water. ℞. ℣. Thus have I gazed toward you in the sanctuary to see your power and your glory, for your kindness is a greater good than life; my lips shall glorify you. ℞. ℣. Thus will I bless you while I live; lifting up my hands, I will call upon your name. As with the riches of a banquet shall my soul be satisfied, and with exultant lips my mouth shall praise you. ℞. ℣. You are my help, and in the shadow of your wings I shout for joy. My soul clings fast to you; your right hand upholds me. ℞. |
讀經二 : 恭讀聖保祿宗徒致羅馬人書 12:1-2 弟兄姊妹們:我以天主的仁慈,請求你們,獻上你們的身體,當作生活、聖潔和悅樂天主的祭品:這才是你們合理的敬禮。你們不可與此世同化,反而應以更新的心思,變化自己,為使你們能辨別:什麼是天主的旨意,什麼是善事,什麼是悅樂天主的事,什麼是成全的事。 | Second Reading : Rom 12:1-2 I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect. |
福音前歡呼 : 參閱弗1:17-18 ℣. 亞肋路亞。℞. 亞肋路亞。 ℣. 願我們的主耶穌基督的天主,光照我們心靈的眼目,為叫我們認清他的寵召,有什麼希望。 ℞. 亞肋路亞。 | Gospel Acclamation : cf. Eph 1:17-18 ℣. Alleluia.℞. Alleluia. ℣. May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our hearts, that we may know what is the hope that belongs to our call. ℞. Alleluia. |
福音 : 恭讀聖瑪竇福音 16:21-27 那時候,耶穌開始向門徒說明:他必須上耶路撒冷去,要由長老、司祭長和經師手中,受許多痛苦,並將被殺,但第三天要復活。伯多祿便拉耶穌到一邊,諫責耶穌說:「主,千萬不可!這事絕不會臨到你身上!」耶穌轉身對伯多祿說:「撒旦,退到我後面去!你是我的絆腳石,因為你所體會的,不是天主的事,而是人的事。」於是,耶穌對門徒說:「誰若願意跟隨我,該棄絕自己,背著自己的十字架,來跟隨我,因為,誰若願意救自己的性命,必要喪失性命;但誰若為我的原故,喪失自己的性命,必要獲得性命。人縱然賺得全世界,卻賠上了自己的靈魂,為他有什麼益處?或者,人還能拿什麼,作為自己靈魂的代價?「將來,人子要在他父的光榮中,同他的天使降來,那時,他要按照每人的行為,予以賞報。」 | Gospel : Mt 16:21-27 Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer greatly from the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised. Then Peter took Jesus aside and began to rebuke him, "God forbid, Lord! No such thing shall ever happen to you." He turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are an obstacle to me. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do." Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? Or what can one give in exchange for his life? For the Son of Man will come with his angels in his Father's glory, and then he will repay all according to his conduct." |
獻禮經 上主,願這神聖獻禮,時常帶給我們得救的祝福,並求你藉此聖事的德能,賜給我們救恩的實效。因主耶穌基督之名,求你俯聽我們的祈禱。亞孟。 | Prayer over the Offerings May this sacred offering, O Lord,confer on us always the blessing of salvation, that what it celebrates in mystery it may accomplish in power, Through Christ our Lord. |
領主詠 : 詠31:20 上主,你為敬畏你的人,所保留的恩澤,是何等豐盛!或 瑪5:9-10 締造和平的人,是有福的,因為他們要稱為天主的子女。為義而受迫害的人,是有福的,因為天國是他們的。 | Communion Antiphon : Ps 31(30):20 How great is the goodness, Lord, that you keep for those who fear you.or Mt 5:9-10 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God. Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. |
領主後經 上主,我們由天上的餐桌,飽饗了這食糧,懇切求你,以這愛德的佳餚,堅強我們的愛心,催促我們在弟兄姊妹身上,為你服務。因主耶穌基督之名,求你俯聽我們的祈禱。亞孟。 | Prayer After Communion Renewed by this bread from the heavenly table,we beseech you, Lord, that, being the food of charity, it may confirm our hearts and stir us to serve you in our neighbor. Through Christ our Lord. |
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