Saturday, September 16, 2023

常年期第二十四主日、甲年 | Dominica vigesima quarta (XXIV) per annum, Anno A 【NOVUS ORDO】

基督纪年 2023年09月17日 

常年期第二十四主日、甲年 | Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A 

若瑟 夏志誠 主教 

廣東話 :

普通話 :

路加 徐錦堯 神父 Fr Luke Tsui
無限量的寬恕 Forgiveness without Limit



中國文化: 大腹能容,容天下難容之事;慈顏常笑,笑世間可笑之人。
First Reading: Sir 27: 33-28:9):Do not harbor anger but like God be merciful toward others

Second Reading (Rom 14: 7-9): Live and die for the Lord

Gospel: (Mt 18: 21-35): The way of forgiveness

Chinese classics: -“A big belly has a great capacity, Holding the most difficult things in this world; The kind faces always smile, Smiling at the laughable people on earth. “
今次的聖經告訴我們一個天主教十分重要的道理,就是寬恕。寬恕是很困難的事,在聖經裡,寬恕的道理是逐漸啟示出來的。 Today's Scripture reading elaborates on a crucial aspect of our Catholic faith: forgiveness. To pardon is by no means easy. In the Bible the notion of forgiveness is revealed gradually.
古經記載,最先人類的復仇是無限制的(創4:24)。在無限復仇的背景下,上主對人說:你的復仇最多只可以到七次或七倍,不可以超過。然後慢慢進展,在七倍復仇的背景中,聖經說:你應該以牙還牙,以眼還眼。亦是在這個背景之下,伯多祿來問耶穌說:「主呀!如果我的弟兄得罪了我,我應該寬恕他多少次呢?七次夠不夠?」 The Old Testament records that in early times people could retaliate as often as they were offended, almost without limit (Gen 4:24). In such circumstances God said that human beings could take revenge no more than seven times or seven-fold. As one was allowed to seek vengeance seven-fold, as time went on it was stated in the Bible that there should be an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. In such a milieu Peter came and said to Jesus,” Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?” 
在以牙還牙的背景中願意寬恕七次,實在是十分慷慨。但耶穌要告訴我們的是:「我不是說,你要寬恕七次,而是七十個七次。」 In a time when the common understanding was an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, to forgive seven times was already very tolerant and generous. However, what Jesus said to him was, “Not seven times but I tell you, seventy –seven times.”
「七十個七次」是代表無數次、無限次。「七」這個數目字,在聖經中代表圓滿、極多;七十個七次更是代表一個最圓滿的數目、一個無窮無盡的數目。即是說,我們要無限地寬恕。對任何人、在任何時候,我們都要寬恕。 ‘Seventy times seven’ means countless times. In Scripture, the number ‘seven’ indicates completeness, a multitude, and so seventy times seven stands for a perfect, an infinite number. That is to say, we should wholeheartedly forgive all people at all times, without limit.
耶穌講寬恕時,同時講了一個令我們很震撼的比喻。有一個人欠人許多錢,聖經說是一萬金幣,是任何一個普通的人無可能償還的一筆鉅大的數目。所以聖經說他沒有錢可以償還。主人就下令將他和他的妻子、兒女、以及他所有的一切,都拿出來變賣去還債。但即使賣掉一切,他都不可能還清債務。這僕人就俯伏在地,叩拜主人說:「主啊!寬容我吧!我一定會清還給你的。」主人就動了憐憫之心,將他釋放了,且豁免了他的債務。 When Jesus talked about forgiveness, he told an astounding parable: a servant owed a king ten thousand pieces of gold coins. The debt was far beyond what an ordinary man could pay back even if the king ordered him, his wife, his children, and all his possessions to be sold off as repayment. The servant thus knelt and begged, Lord, please pardon me. I will pay back everything I owe. The king felt sorry for him and remitted the entire debt.
怎知這僕人一出門,便遇到一個欠他少少的一百銀幣的同事,他就扼住他的喉嚨說:「還清你欠我的債!」這個欠他一百銀幣的同事,也好像他一樣,跪在地上哀求說:「你寬容我吧!我一定會清還給你的!」但這個人不肯,反而將他關在監獄裡面,直至他還清了所欠的債。 As the servant stepped out he met a fellow servant who owed him merely one hundred pieces of silver coins. He strangled his debtor and forced him to repay the money. In the same way his fellow servant begged for clemency “Have patience with me and I will pay all.” He refused and, instead jailed the poor man till the debt was paid.
其他的同事看見這一幕醜事,非常悲憤,就將這事告訴主人,於是主人就叫了這僕人來對他說:「可惡的僕人,你哀求我,我就全部免了你所欠的債;難道你不應該憐憫你的同事,好似我憐憫了你一樣嗎?」主人十分憤怒,於是將他交給獄吏,直到他還清全部的欠債為止。 When the other servants saw what had happened they were greatly distressed and went and reported to the king what had taken place. The king summoned the first servant and said, “You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with me. Should you not have had mercy on your fellow-servant as I had mercy on you?” And in anger the king handed him over to be tortured until he should pay the entire debt.
耶穌的結論是:「如果你們不從心裡寬恕你們的弟兄,我的天父也要這樣對待你們。」(參考瑪18:21-35) Jesus’ conclusion was, “ So my heavenly Father will also do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother or sister from your heart. ”(Mt 18: 2l-35)
在德訓篇中,天主也曾這樣說:「你要寬恕你近人的過錯;這樣,你在祈禱時,你的罪也會得到赦免。如果你對他人懷恨在心,怎能求上主治療呢?如果你對自己的同胞毫無憐憫,怎能為自己的罪過求寬恕呢?」(德28:2-4) In the Book of Sirach God said the same thing, ”Forgive your neighbour the wrong he has done and then your sins will be pardoned when you pray. Does anyone harbour anger against another and expect healing from the Lord? If someone has no mercy towards another like himself, can he then seek pardon for his own sins?”(Sir 28: 2-4)
德訓篇繼續提醒我們,如果要寬恕,就要記著幾件事。第一、要記著最後的結局,而停止仇恨。第二、要記著人必會死亡和腐朽,並遵照誡命去生活。第三、要記著天主的誡命,不可向人發怒。第四、要記著至高者的盟約,寬恕別人的過失。(參考德28:5-9) The succeeding verses remind us to bear in mind these points when we forgive others. First, think of our own last days and set aside any hatred that may remain. Second, remember that we are destined to die and decompose, and live according to the commandments. Third, remember the commandments of God and do not be angry with your neighbors. Fourth, think of the covenant of God the Most High and forgive others’ faults. (see Sir 28: 5 – 9).
聖經提醒我們,我們要記著人生總有一死,合了雙眼,伸直雙腳,便一切都完結了,所有的恩恩怨怨還有甚麼意義呢?你將你所恨的人由墳墓裡拿出來鞭屍,難道他會痛嗎?即使他痛了,對你又有甚麼好處呢? The Bible reminds us that we will inevitably die one day. One day our eyes will close, our toes turn up and all our earthly affairs come to an end. Do old scores really matter then? Will your enemy feel the pain if you whip his corpse? Even if he feels pain of what good is it to you?
有些人記仇,會一直延伸到他進入墳墓裡;甚至還要子孫們世世代代去復仇。這是真真正正的冤冤相報何時了。 Some people hold a grudge till they enter the grave and worse still, there are some who want their descendants to take their revenge generation after generation. They really want their enmity to last forever.
我們要記著天主的誡命,天主叫我們寬恕,不可向人發怒。如果天主寬恕我們,如果他無條件地寬恕我們,我們又有甚麼理由懷恨在心呢?所以要寬恕,要無限量地寬恕。 We should engrave God’s commandments on our hearts. God asks us to forgive one another and refrain from anger of others. If God so unconditionally forgives us, what reasons can we possibly have to hold hatred in our hearts? Therefore we should always forgive and forgive without limit.
耶穌不單講寬恕之道,他自己也實踐寬恕之道。當他懸在十字架上時,他戴著茨冠,不能抬頭向天仰望,他只能望著在十字架下,咒罵他、譏笑他的人。但他一點也不懷恨在心,他只是溫和的說:「父!寬恕他們,因為他們不知道自己在作甚麼。」 Jesus did not only instruct us to forgive but he lived according to his own teaching. Nailed to the cross and pierced by a crown of thorns, unable to raise his head and look to the sky, he gazed at the people cursing and mocking him below, and with no hatred in his heart, gently said, “Forgive them, Father! They do not know what they are doing.”
耶穌也叫我們效法他慈悲的天父,一個無限包容的天主,他好像太陽和雨露,不分彼此地,光照和潤澤所有人。 Jesus asks us to model ourselves on our merciful heavenly Father, God who is always tolerant, who like the sun and rain, shines and moistens alike all peoples of the earth.
中國人很少講寬恕,但卻講包容,例如這副對聯:「大腹能容,容天下難容之事;慈顏常笑,笑世間可笑之人。」能包容的人,便可以較易去寬恕了。The Chinese seldom talk about forgiveness, but they often talk about tolerating others. An example is this couplet: “A big belly has a great capacity, Holding the most difficult things in this world; The kind faces always smile, Smiling at the laughable people on earth.” If we can tolerate others we will find it easier to forgive them.
耶穌還有一些話值得我們警惕:如果我們不能從心裡寬恕我們的兄弟,天父也要這樣對待我們。天主經也提醒我們:「求你寬恕我們的罪過,如同我們寬恕別人一樣。」 Jesus said something else that is worth our remembering: If we cannot forgive our brother from our heart, our Father in heaven will treat us likewise. The Lord’s Prayer also reminds us, “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.”
我們每個人不免都會得罪別人,我們必須培養一種文化,一種信仰的氛圍,就是我們可以彼此寬恕、願意彼此寬恕,使一切都有重新開始的可能。 None of us can avoid offending others occasionally. But we must cultivate a climate, an atmosphere of faith, a willingness to forgive one another, so that there is always the possibility of starting anew.

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