Saturday, August 26, 2023

常年期第二十一主日、甲年 | Dominica vigesima prima (XXI) per annum, Anno A 【NOVUS ORDO】

基督纪年 2023年08月27日

常年期第二十一主日、甲年 | Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

若瑟 夏志誠 主教 

廣東話 : 

普通話 : 

路加 徐錦堯 神父 Fr Luke Tsui
我的耶穌是誰? Who is Jesus for me?



中國文化: 見山是山,見山不是山,見山又是山。(1)
First Reading (Is 22:19-23): The Lord called Elisha to be God's wholehearted servant.

Second Reading (Rom 11:33-36): Who knows the will of God?

Gospel (Mt 16:13-20): Peter was appointed the Rock of the Church.

Chinese Classics
-“Seeing the mountain as mountain, Seeing the mountain not as a mountain, Seeing the mountain as mountain again.” (1)
-“I pick up chrysanthemums by the eastern hedge, And to my surprise I suddenly discover the southern mountains.” (2)
有一次耶穌問他的門徒說:「人們說人子是誰呢?」他們說:「有的說是洗者若翰,有的說是厄里亞,也有的說是耶肋米亞,或先知中的一位。」耶穌對他們說:「你們說我是誰呢?」西滿伯多祿回答說:「你是基督、永生天主子。」(參考瑪16:13-16) “One time Jesus asked his disciples, ‘Who do people say that the Son of Man is?’ And they said, ‘Some say John the Baptist, but others Elijah, and still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.’ Jesus said to them, ‘But who do you say that I am?’ Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.’ (Mt 13:23-27)
「人們說我是誰?」我們聽過很多不同的答案。有些人相信耶穌,有些人不相信耶穌。在香港,有些人將「講耶穌」當作是「講廢話」、講與生活脫節的話。耶穌在不同人的眼中,有不同的稱呼,有不同的價值。 ‘Who do people say that I am?’ We have heard Peter's response. Some people believe in Jesus, some do not. In Hong Kong some people think that ‘talking about Jesus’ is meaningless, words unrelated to life. Views about Jesus, names he is called, how he is valued, differ from person to person.
門徒最先是重複別人的話。他們說:有人「說」是洗者若翰,有人「說」是厄里亞,有人「說」是耶肋米亞或先知中的一位。 The disciples first repeated what others had said of Jesus. They said, ‘Some say you are John the Baptist, some say that you are Elijah, that you are Jeremiah or one of the prophets.’ 
門徒大概已算給足耶穌面子,因為其實也有人說,這個耶穌是靠魔王貝耳則步驅魔的,他是一個罪人的朋友,一個貪飲貪食的人。但門徒沒有複述這些人對耶穌的稱呼。 Probably to prevent Jesus from ‘losing face’ they did not mention that actually some also said that Jesus was at the disposal of Beelzebub, the prince of devils, or that he was the friend of sinners or a gluttonous person. They did not repeat these remarks about Jesus.
耶穌不滿意這些答案。因為耶穌想問的,不單是別人說他是誰;他想知道門徒怎樣看他。 Jesus was not satisfied with these replies. What Jesus really wanted to ask was not others' opinions but rather how the disciples saw him.
於是伯多祿回答說:「你是天主子」。這個伯多祿曾經聽過耶穌講道理,見過耶穌行奇蹟,和耶穌一起在驚濤駭浪中,步行海面。這個伯多祿也曾經親自聽到過耶穌的召叫:「從今以後你要做漁人的漁夫」。 Then Peter answered him, ‘You are the Son of God.’ This is the Peter who had listened to Jesus' preaching, witnessed his miracles and walked on the water with Jesus amid the churning waves. It was the same Peter who had personally heard Jesus' call: ‘From now on I will make you fishers of people.’
「你是天主子」是伯多祿用口頭去講的話,是一個理所當然的答案,一個標準答案??連小孩子都會回答的答案。 ‘You are the Son of God’ were the words Peter said out loud, a natural, standard reply, an answer any child would give.
直到聖神降臨後,伯多祿才在藏身的晚餐廳中,突然間勇敢地站起來,充滿聖神,公開宣講耶穌從死者中復活。 Peter was not always so courageous until after the coming of the Holy Spirit. Then he was suddenly filled with courage and preached openly about the crucified Jesus who had been raised from the dead.
從那時開始,伯多祿是用自己的整個生命去宣講。直到他經歷了千辛萬苦,跨越了重重的挫折和風波,走到人生旅途盡頭的時候,他更用了自己的血為基督作見證。 From that time on Peter gave his entire life to preaching about Jesus. Until he had undergone great suffering and overcome failure and persecution and came to the end of his life journey, when he shed his own blood to witness to Christ.
傳說他是被釘在十字架上致命的。當時他對劊子手說:我不配像耶穌一樣釘在十字架上,如果要釘我的話,請你把我倒轉來釘。這就是伯多祿血的見證;他用血去宣講。 There is a tradition that Peter was martyred by crucifixion. At that time he said to his executioners, ‘I am not worthy to be crucified in the same way as Jesus. If you must nail me to the cross, please turn the cross upside down.’ This was Peter’s witness by blood, he reached by shedding his own blood.
同樣的宣講,有本質的不同。一個是口頭的宣講,一個是生命的宣講,一個是血的宣講。 The preaching may be the same but the essence is different. One is preaching by word of mouth, the other is preaching by one's life, a preaching by blood.
佛教徒有個很特別的說法:「見山是山,見山不是山,見山又是山。」當他第一次見到山時他會說:「這是山」。但當他慢慢去默想、探究真道的時候,便會發現山的定義開始模糊,山與非山之間的分別,並不明顯,因此他會發現:「見山不是山」。等到他真正悟道之後,他將這個山變成有生命的實體,並與自己的生命連繫上,這時他會發現:「見山又是山」。 A Buddhist made this unusual observation: “Seeing the mountain as mountain, Seeing the mountain not as a mountain, Seeing the mountain as mountain again.” The first time he saw the mountain, he said, “Yes, this is a mountain.” But when he was reflecting and exploring the truth, he found that the definition of a mountain was very blurred. The distinction between a mountain and a non-mountain was not obvious. Therefore, he had this observation of “seeing the mountain not as a mountain”. When he finally realized the truth, he perceived the mountain as an experience with life and inextricably linked up with his own life. At that time, he was “Seeing the mountain as mountain again.”
第一個山和第三個山,是完全不同的山。第一個山是思維上的、感官上的山,第三個山是一個已有生命的山,是陶淵明「採菊東籬下,悠然見南山」的山,一個有生命的山,我們可以對它生出感情的山。 The first mountain and the third mountain are completely different. The first mountain is a mountain of thoughts and senses. The third mountain is a mountain with a life of its own. It is the mountain that Tao Yuan Ming saw when picking chrysanthemums: “I pick up chrysanthemums by the eastern hedge, And to my surprise I suddenly discover the southern mountains.” It is a mountain with life, which we can come to feel.
標準答案容易回答,但是用生命去了解的答案,用血去證實的答案,才是真實的答案,屬於我們的答案。 An answer ‘up to standard’ is easily made, but only an answer true to life, even to the shedding of one's blood, is the true answer - that should be our answer.
對你來說,耶穌又是誰呢?如果你說耶穌是「主」,你有沒有聽耶穌的話,按他的話去生活呢?你有為他的話而受過苦嗎?你經驗過在聽他的話時那種快樂和狂喜嗎? Who is Jesus for you? If you answer Jesus is ‘Lord’, do you listen to Jesus and live according to his teachings? Have you ever suffered for his teaching? Have you ever experienced a kind of happiness, even passionate joy when you have listened and obeyed the words of Jesus?
你說耶穌聖體是食糧,是旅者之糧。你是否時常領受他?好好珍惜他?你是否時常朝拜聖體,與他交談呢? You may say Jesus' Body and Blood is your spiritual food, nourishment for life's journey. But do you receive Holy Communion often and treasure it? Do you often pray before the Blessed Sacrament to converse with Jesus?
你說耶穌是救主。你有沒有珍惜自己的生命、整個的生命:肉身的、靈性的、現世的和永恆的生命呢?你有沒有珍惜自己的和別人的生命,有沒有尊重自己和尊重別人呢? You say Jesus is your Savior. Do you treasure your own life, your entire life: physical, spiritual, the present and the future life? Do you have a high regard for your own life and the life of others, do you have respect for your own life and the lives of others?
你說耶穌給你帶來希望。但你對政治前景,對香港、中國,對你自己的前途是否懷有希望呢?你說耶穌是歷史的主宰。但你相信一切都在上主手中嗎?你能不能在面對未來時,可以無恐無懼,如同一個嬰孩睡在母親的懷中? You say that Jesus brings you hope. But do you harbor within your heart hope about the political situation, hope for Hong Kong, for China, for your own future? You say that Jesus is the Lord of history. But do you really believe that everything is in God's hands? Can you face the future with no fear whatsoever, like a child resting on its mother's bosom?
你說耶穌是主、是食物、是救主、是希望、是歷史的主宰,這些都是你在「說」;但你能夠用生命去證實你說的話嗎?你能用你自己的血在你的話上蓋上一個印嗎? You say that Jesus is Lord, nourishment, savior, your hope, Lord of history. You say all of these things, but can you testify to your words by your life? Can you affix a seal to this with your blood?
伯多祿用口開始,用生命去完成,用血蓋上了一個印。 Peter began his preaching with words but completed it with his life and sealed it with his blood.
我們也必須用耳朵開始,在聽了耶穌是誰之後,就用口去宣講,再用生命去印證,直至用血去寫出:「耶穌,你是我的主,我要為你而生,為你而死!」 We too must begin by listening with our ears, and after hearing who Jesus is, preach about him with our own words and seal this with our lives even to shedding our blood. ‘Jesus, you are our Savior, I will live for you and die for you.’

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