Sunday, August 13, 2023

常年期第十九主日、甲年 | Dominica decima nona (XIX) per annum, Anno A 【NOVUS ORDO】

基督纪年 2023年08月13日

常年期第十九主日、甲年 | Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

若瑟 夏志誠 主教 

廣東話 : 

普通話 : 

路加 徐錦堯 神父 Fr Luke Tsui
信心、冒險、委身 To Trust – To Risk – To entrust


福 音:(瑪14:22-33):耶穌步行水面

中國文化: 邊際境遇的跳躍。 次非斬蛟
First Reading ( 1 Kings 19:9,11-13 ): The Prophet Elijah recognized God in the wind.

Second Reading (Rom 9:1-5): Paul willingly endured curses for the sake of his people

Gospel (Mt 14:22-33) : Jesus walked on the water

Chinese Classics:
-“Jumping over adverse circumstances”
-“The story of: Ci Fei killed the dragon”(2)
那時,門徒所乘的船離岸已幾公里,遇著逆風,在波浪中顛簸不定。天快亮時,耶穌在海面步行向他們走去。門徒看見他在海上行走,就很驚慌,說:「是個妖怪!」並且嚇得大叫起來。耶穌立刻對他們說:「放心!是我,不必怕!」伯多祿對他說:「主!如果是你,就讓我在水面步行到你那裡去吧!」耶穌說:「來吧!」伯多祿就離開了船,在水面向耶穌走去。但他一見風勢猛烈,害怕起來,便開始下沉,大叫說:「主!救命啊!」耶穌立刻伸手拉住他,對他說:「小信德的人呀!你為甚麼懷疑呢?」(瑪14:22-33) “By this time the boat, battered by the waves, was far from the land, for the wind was against them. And early in the morning he came walking towards them on the lake. But when the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified, saying, ‘It is a ghost!’ And they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, ‘Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.’ Peter answered him, ‘Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.’ He said, ‘Come.’ So Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came towards Jesus. But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’ Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, ‘You of little faith, why did you doubt?’ (Mt 14:22-33)
門徒見到主在水面上行走,誤認他是一個妖怪。我們是否也有時會把天主當妖怪,或把妖怪當天主呢? When the apostles saw Jesus walking on the water they mistook him for a ghost. Do we sometimes mistake God for a ghost, or a ghost for God?
門徒把耶穌當妖怪的原因,是因為那時天色仍然很昏暗。昏暗中,我們不辨是非、不辨善惡。基督是光,只有在信德的光照和啟發下,我們才可分辨善惡、分辨好壞。 The reason the apostles thought Jesus was a ghost was because it was very dark. In the darkness we cannot always distinguish right from wrong, good from bad. Christ is the Light and only from the light that shines from him are we able to distinguish good and evil, righteousness and wickedness.
伯多祿見到是耶穌,便說︰「主!如果是你……。」 When Peter saw Jesus he said, “Lord, if it is you…”
「如果是你」,表示他仍未肯定。在未完全肯定的情況中,他仍說︰「主!如果是你,就叫我在水面上步行到你那裡吧!」伯多祿的特點是願意嘗試、敢於嘗試。 ‘If it is you…’ shows that he was not yet sure. In doubtful circumstances such as that he continued, ‘Lord if it is you, command me to walk towards you on the water!’ One of Peter's characteristics was that he was willing and dared to try.
「如果是你。」人生不需要事事都獲得百分之百的保證。信德才是我們的保證,雖然我們看不清,其實主常與我們在一起。 ‘If it is you…’ In life it is not always necessary to have complete proof or hundred percent safety. Faith itself is our guarantee. Though we cannot see clearly, actually God is always with us.
當伯多祿聽到耶穌說「來吧!」他便縱身一躍,跳到水面上,向耶穌走去。這就是所謂「邊際境遇的跳躍」。 When Peter heard Jesus say, “Come!” he immediately jumped into the water and walked towards Jesus. This was what “jumping over adverse circumstances” is about.
人生有很多「邊際境遇」,很多我們無法明白和控制的風浪。我們需要跳躍,需要帶著信心向前「縱身一躍」。 There are many “adverse circumstances” in our lives, many crises we do not understand and cannot control. We need to jump over them. We need to “jump” with faith.
當我和一個人吵架後,我應否和他修好?我應否首先伸手向他握手言和?我無法保證對方也會伸出手來。若他不伸手,我會很尷尬。但若果我不計較,我便會做該做的事,勇敢地、主動地伸出修和之手。這就是縱身一躍。 When we have had an argument with someone, do we need to seek reconciliation or not? Should we be the first to stretch out our hand and speak? We have no proof that the other will accept it. If the other person rejects it we will be very embarrassed. But if we put aside this possibility of failure we will have done what we should and have had the courage to be the first to stretch out our hand. That is to ‘jump’ with faith.
父母養育子女,不會知道子女是否忤逆,會否報答自己,會否達到「養兒防老,積穀防飢」的目的。但他們不需證明、不用證據;他們愛自己的子女,願意在子女身上投下自己的時間和愛。這也是向前縱身一躍。 When parents raise their children they do not know if they will turn out to be good or bad, will they repay their early efforts, or are the parents ‘preparing for a rainy day’ and looking for some insurance of security in their old age? They do not need assurance or proof that this will happen. They love their children and want to give them their time and love. That also is being willing to ‘jump’ into the future.
當一個人要結婚的時候,他會向自己的另一半,在上主面前說出這個盟誓︰「某某,我如今鄭 重承認你是我的妻子/丈夫,並且許諾從今以後,無論環境順逆,疾病健康,我將永遠愛慕尊重你,終生不渝。願主垂鑒我的意願。」 When people are preparing to marry they will promise before God, “My dear, I solemnly take you for my wife/husband and promise that from this moment on, in good and bad times, in sickness and in health, I will love and respect you, until death do us part. May God be witness to my oath.”
我將「永遠」愛慕尊重你、「無論」疾病健康、環境順逆。我有什麼把握?有沒有保證?沒有!一點也沒有!於是我向前縱身一躍。這就是終身的盟誓。 I will love and respect you ‘forever,’ ‘no matter’ whether sick or healthy, in good or bad times. What guarantee is there, what proof? None whatsoever! It is a ‘jumping’. It is a ‘permanent commitment.’
在教會內、學校中、社會內,當我要承擔一個責任,或者承擔公職、又或做一件重要的事的時候,我沒有能力去擔保成功,但我認為我要盡一個好公民、好學生的責任,於是我向前縱身一躍。 In the church, in school, in society, when we accept a responsibility or take on a public office, or perform an important task, I cannot promise I will have the ability or strength to achieve success, but I think I am able to be a responsible citizen or student, so I “jump” into the unknown.
在《呂氏春秋》中,有一個「次非斬蛟」的故事︰有一個名叫次非的人,他有一把寶劍。有一次乘船時,遇到兩條蛟龍把船纏著,眾人認為他們都必死無疑了。但次非拿著寶劍說︰若我不能用這寶劍把蛟龍斬死,那麼這寶劍對我有何用處?於是他跳入江中,和兩條蛟龍搏鬥,把它們殺掉,保全了全船人的生命。次非,他也是在向前縱身一躍。 There is a story called “Ci Fei Killed the Dragon” in The Spring and Autumn Annals of Lu. Ci Fei was a man with a treasured sword. He was traveling in a boat one day when two dragon-like aquatic animals entangled themselves around his boat. The people on the boat all thought that they were going to die. Ci Fei picked up the sword and said, “If I could not use this treasured sword to kill these animals, what good is this sword to me?” Having said that, he jumped into the river and fought with the animals. He killed the animals and saved all the people on the boat. For Ci Fei, it was a jump over adverse circumstances.
伯多祿的特點是︰「主!如果是你,就叫我在水面上步行到你那裡罷!」 Peter did this also. He said, ‘Lord if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.’
他大概知道耶穌是在那裡,但並不完全肯定。然而,即使他未完全肯定,他也願意縱身一躍,由安全的船,跳到驚濤駭浪之中。這就是信德的跳躍。 He was almost sure it was Jesus but not totally. But though he was not absolutely sure he was willing to ‘jump,’ and from the safety of the boat he jumped into the churning waves. It was a jump of faith.
但聖經繼續說,伯多祿見到風勢猛烈,便害怕起來。 But Scripture continues that when Peter saw the strength of the waves he became afraid.
我們的信德需要無數次的磨鍊,在風浪中磨鍊、在風浪中實踐,才能得到鞏固。 Our faith must be tried over and over again in order to become strong and activated in the midst of the turbulent waves, carried over into the churning water.
伯多祿在下沉的時候大叫︰「主!救命呀!」當我們下沉的時候,或遇到困難時,我們也千萬不要忘記大叫一聲︰「主!救命呀!」主原來就在我們的心內,在我們的周圍,只不過我們看不見。我們的天主本來就是無所不在的天主。 When Peter saw himself sinking he called out loudly, ‘Lord, save me!’ When we ‘sink’ or meet difficulties we should never, never forget to call out, ‘O Lord, save me.’ God is within our hearts and actually all around us, but we do not see Him. God is truly the God who is everywhere.
讓我們時常懷著信心在主內行走、在主內生活。我們都應有信心離開那條安全的船,跳到驚濤駭浪之中,因為耶穌就在海面上行走。在那裡,只要我們懷著信心、懂得依靠,懂得大叫「主!救命呀!」主一定會及時伸出救援之手。 Let us always have faith and live and walk with God. And let us have the faith to leave the safe boat and jump into the churning waters, because Jesus will walk to us on the water. There we need only to have faith and know how to rely on him and call out, ‘Lord, save me.’ And for sure God will stretch out a hand to help us.

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