Thursday, June 29, 2023

Thomas à Kempis 《The Imitation of Christ》 | 토마스 아 켐피스 《준주성범(그리스도를 본받아)》

Episode 1 -- Imitation of Christ I.1 -- Asking for Christ to Imitate Christ

Episode 2 -- Imitation of Christ I.2 -- Knowing Oneself In God

Episode 3 -- Imitation of Christ I.3 -- Learning Truth in Christ

Episode 4 -- Imitation of Christ I.4 -- Caution in Our Undertakings

Episode 5 -- Imitation of Christ I.5 -- How to Approach the Scriptures to Find Christ

Episode 6 -- Imitation of Christ I.6 -- About Moderating the Passions

Episode 7 -- Imitation of Christ I.7 -- About False Self-Confidence How to Rid of Self-Conceit

Episode 8 -- Imitation of Christ I.8 -- On the Danger of Being Too Familiar

Episode 9 -- Imitation of Christ I.9 -- On Obedience and Submissiveness

Episode 10 -- Imitation of Christ I.10 -- About Useless Gossiping

Episode 11 -- Imitation of Christ I.11 -- Holy Ambition for Spiritual Progress

Episode 12 -- Imitation of Christ I.12 -- Why Things Sometimes Go Against Us

Episode 13 -- Imitation of Christ I.13 -- Value of Temptations

Episode 14 -- Imitation of Christ I.14 -- Avoiding Hasty Estimations

Episode 15 -- Imitation of Christ I.15 -- On Charity as the Motive of Our Actions

Episode 16 -- Imitation of Christ I.16 -- On Putting up with other People’s Faults

Episode 17 -- Imitation of Christ I.17 -- On Joining a Monastery

Episode 18 -- Imitation of Christ I.18 -- On The Example of the Saints of Old

Episode 19 -- Imitation of Christ I.19 -- On the Pious Practices of a Good Monk (and Good Laymen)

Episode 20 -- Imitation of Christ I.20 -- Solitude, Silence, and Living in Divine Intimacy

Episode 21 -- Imitation of Christ I.21 -- On Holy Sorrow and Fear of the Lord

Episode 22 -- Imitation of Christ I.22 -- A View of Man’s Misery

Episode 23 -- Imitation of Christ I.23 -- Thinking about death

Episode 24 -- Imitation of Christ I.24 -- On Judgement and the Punishments of Hell

Episode 25 -- Imitation of Christ I.25 -- On Zeal for Spiritual Progress

Episode 26 -- Imitation of Christ II.1 -- Cultivating an Interior Life Focused on Christ

Episode 27 -- Imitation of Christ II.2 -- On Humbling Ourselves Before Others

Episode 28 -- Imitation of Christ II.3 -- On the Character of a Peaceable Man

Episode 29 -- Imitation of Christ II.4 -- Purity of Heart and Singleness of Intention

Episode 30 -- Imitation of Christ II.5 -- On Self-Criticism

Episode 31 -- Imitation of Christ II.6 -- On the Satisfaction of a Good Conscience

Episode 32 -- Imitation of Christ II.7 -- On Loving Jesus In and Above Everything

Episode 33 -- Imitation of Christ II.8 -- On A Close Friendship with Jesus

Episode 34 -- Imitation of Christ II.9 -- On Lacking All Comfort

Episode 35 -- Imitation of Christ II.10 -- On Being Thankful for God’s Grace

Episode 36 -- Imitation of Christ II.11 -- On the Fewness of Those who Love the Cross of Christ

Episode 37 -- Imitation of Christ II.12.1 -- On the Royal Road of the Cross (Ourselves)

Episode 38 -- Imitation of Christ II.12.2 -- The Royal Road of the Cross (Necessity)

Episode 39 -- Imitation of Christ III.1 -- On Hearing Christ Speak Inwardly

Episode 40 -- Imitation of Christ III.2 -- Truth Speaks Within Us Without the Outward Sound of Words

Episode 41 -- Imitation of Christ III.3 -- We Should Listen Humbly to God’s Words; Many People Fail to Appreciate them Properly

Episode 42 -- Imitation of Christ III.4 -- Walking Humbly Before the Lord

Episode 43 -- Imitation of Christ III.5 -- Effects of Divine Love

Episode 44 -- Imitation of Christ III.6 -- On the Testing of a True Lover

Episode 45 -- Imitation of Christ III.7 -- On Concealing Grace and Making Humility Its Guardian

Episode 46 -- Imitation of Christ III.8 -- Humility before the Lord

Episode 47 -- Imitation of Christ III.9 -- Seeing All Things in Relation to Christ

Episode 48 -- Imitation of Christ III.10 -- Finding Joy in the Lord’s Service

Episode 49 -- Imitation of Christ III.11 -- On the Need to Sift and Govern the Human Heart

Episode 50 -- Imitation of Christ III.12 -- On Acquiring Patience and Resisting Evil Desires

Episode 51 -- Imitation of Christ III.13 -- On Humble Obedience after Example of Christ

Episode 52 -- Imitation of Christ III.14 -- On the Need to Consider the Secret Judgements of God

Episode 53 -- Imitation of Christ III.15 -- On How We Ought to Prayer and Act In Regard to Our Desires

Episode 54 -- Imitation of Christ III.16 -- True Comfort Should Be in God Alone

Episode 55 -- Imitation of Christ III.17 -- We Must Put Our Whole Trust in God

Episode 56 -- Imitation of Christ III.18 -- We Must Follow Christ Patiently in Bearing the Sorrows of this Life

Episode 57 -- Imitation of Christ III.19 -- On Bearing Injuries and How to Tell Whether you Are Really Patient

Episode 58 -- Imitation of Christ III.20 -- On Acknowledging our Own Weakness; the Miseries of this Life

Episode 59 -- Imitation of Christ III.21 -- We must rest in God above all His Gifts and Favours

Episode 60 -- Imitation of Christ III.22 -- On Recalling God’s Manifold Blessings

Episode 61 -- Imitation of Christ III.23 -- Four Things that Lead to Greater Peace

Episode 62 -- Imitation of Christ III.24 -- On Avoiding Curiosity About the Lives of Others

Episode 63 -- Imitation of Christ III.25 -- On Sure Peace of Mind and True Progress

Episode 64 -- Imitation of Christ III.26 -- On the Excellence of a Free Mind The Reward of Humble Prayer Rather than of Reading

Episode 65 -- Imitation of Christ III.27 -- Self-love as the great Hinderance in Our Quest for the Highest God

Episode 66 -- Imitation of Christ III.28 -- Against Slanderous Talk

Episode 67 -- Imitation of Christ III.29 -- How We Should Call on God and Bless Him in Times of Trouble

Episode 68 -- Imitation of Christ III.30 -- On Calling on God in Distress and Being Confident in His Help

Episode 69 -- Imitation of Christ III.31 -- On Disregarding Creatures to Find the Creator

Episode 70 -- Imitation of Christ III.32 -- On Self-Denial and Giving Up Our Own Desires

Episode 71 -- Imitation of Christ III.33 -- Inconstant Hearts Trying to Fix Our Gaze on Christ

Episode 72 -- Imitation of Christ III.34 -- God Above all Things and in All Things is the Delight of the Loving Heart

Episode 73 -- Imitation of Christ III.35 -- We are never Safe from Temptations in this Life

Episode 74 -- Imitation of Christ III.36 -- Against the Vain Judgements of Men

Episode 75 -- Imitation of Christ III.37 -- Sincere and Utter Self-Renunciation Wins us Freedom of Heart

Episode 76 -- Imitation of Christ III.38 -- On A Good Rule of Life in Outward Things and on Turning To God in Times of Danger

Episode 77 -- Imitation of Christ III.39 -- A Man Should Not be Unreasonably Anxious About His Affairs

Episode 78 -- Imitation of Christ III.40 -- A Man has No Goodness of His Own and Nothing to Boast of

Episode 79 -- Imitation of Christ III.41 -- On Despising this World’s Honours

Episode 80 -- Imitation of Christ III.42 -- Our Peace of Mind Cannot Depend on Men

Episode 81 -- Imitation of Christ III.43 -- A Condemnation of Useless and Wordly Learning

Episode 82 -- Imitation of Christ III.44 -- On Not Being Concerned with Outward Things

Episode 83 -- Imitation of Christ III.45 -- We Should Not Believe Everyone and How Easily it is for Words to Slip Out

Episode 84 -- Imitation of Christ III.46 -- On Bearing Stinging Remarks from Others

Episode 85 -- Imitation of Christ III.47 -- All Troubles Must Be Borne for the Sake of Eternal Life

Episode 86 -- Imitation of Christ III.48 -- On the Joys of Eternal Life and the Troubles of This Life

Episode 87 -- Imitation of Christ III.49 -- On Longing for Eternal Life and the Trials that Lead There

Episode 88 -- Imitation of Christ III.50 -- Putting Ourselves in God’s Hands in Times of Trouble

Episode 89 -- Imitation of Christ III.51 -- Busy Ourselves with Humble Tasks When Consolation is Lacking

Episode 90 -- Imitation of Christ III.52 -- Thinking We Deserve Punishment and Not Consolation

Episode 91 -- Imitation of Christ III.53 -- God’s Grace Does not Mix with Worldly Wisdom

Episode 92 -- Imitation of Christ III.54 -- Grace versus Nature

Episode 93 -- Imitation of Christ III.55 -- On the Corruption of Nature and the Power of God’s Grace

Episode 94 -- Imitation of Christ III.56 -- We Must Deny Ourselves and Follow Christ Along the Way of the Cross

Episode 95 -- Imitation of Christ III.57 -- A Man Should Not be Too Depressed when He Slips into a Fault

Episode 96 -- Imitation of Christ III.58 -- About God’s Secrets: Not Seeking into His Unfathomable Judgments

Episode 97 -- Imitation of Christ III.59 -- All Our Hope and Trust Must Be Place in God Alone

Episode 98 -- Imitation of Christ IV.1 -- On the Deep Reverence with Which Christ is to be Received

Episode 99 -- Imitation of Christ IV.2 -- On the Great Love Manifested in this Sacrament

Episode 100 -- Imitation of Christ IV.3 -- On the Advantage of Frequent Communion

Episode 101 -- Imitation of Christ IV.4 -- On The Benefits of Frequent and Devout Communion

Episode 102 -- Imitation of Christ IV.5 -- On the Dignity of this Sacrament and on the Priestly Office

Episode 103 -- Imitation of Christ IV.6 -- On Preperation for the Holy Eucharist

Episode 104 -- Imitation of Christ IV.7 -- Examination of Conscience Before Mass

Episode 105 -- Imitation of Christ IV.8 -- On Offering Ourselves at Mass and Self-Surrender

Episode 106 -- Imitation of Christ IV.9 -- We Should Offer Ourselves and All that Are to God and Pray for All Men

Episode 107 -- Imitation of Christ IV.10 -- On Not Staying Away from Holy Communion

Episode 108 -- Imitation of Christ IV.11 -- The Body of Christ and the Holy Scriptures are Most Necessary to a Faithful Soul

Episode 109 -- Imitation of Christ IV.12 -- On the Great Care that Should be Taken in Preparing to Receive Christ in Holy Communion

Episode 110 -- Imitation of Christ IV.13 -- The Devout Soul Should Long For Union with Christ in the Blessed Sacrament

Episode 111 -- Imitation of Christ IV.14 -- On the Burning Desire that Some People have for Holy Communion

Episode 112 -- Imitation of Christ IV.15 -- The Grace of Devotion is Won by Humility and Self-Denial

Episode 113 -- Imitation of Christ IV.16 -- We Should Tell Christ Our Needs and Beg His grace

Episode 114 -- Imitation of Christ IV.17 -- On Burning Love and Eager Longing for Christ

Episode 115 -- Imitation of Christ IV.18 -- A Man Should Not Subtly Pry into the Blessed Sacrament, but Follow Christ, Submitting the Evidence of His Senses to Holy Faith

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