Tuesday, May 2, 2023

復活期第五周星期一 | Hebdomada quinta (V) Paschæ Feria secunda

選讀尼撒主教聖額我略講道集Ex Oratiónibus sancti Gregórii Nysséni epíscopi (Oratio 1 in Christi resurrectionem: PG 46, 603-606. 626-627)
新受造物的長子Primogenitus novæ creationis






Venit vitæ regnum, et solútum est mortis impérium. Appáruit ália generátio, ália vita, álius vivéndi modus, ipsíus natúræ nostræ commutátio. Quænam generátio? Quæ non ex sanguínibus, neque ex voluntáte viri, neque ex voluntáte carnis, sed ex Deo facta est.

Cuínam, ínquies, hoc fíeri potest? Audi, nam paucis explicábo. Fetus hic per fidem concípitur, per baptísmatis regeneratiónem in lucem éditur, nutrícem habet Ecclésiam, huius doctrínam et institúta sugit tamquam úbera, illi cæléstis panis est cibus; ætátis perféctio est sublímis vivéndi rátio; núptiæ, consuetúdo sapiéntiæ; líberi, spes; domus, regnum; heréditas et opuléntia, delíciæ paradísi; finis, non mors sed vita illa, quæ dignis paráta est, beatíssima et sempitérna.

Hæc est dies illa, quam fecit Dóminus, a diébus illis longe divérsa, qui mundi procreatiónis inítio sunt constitúti, quos témporis cursus dimetítur. Alteríus hæc est procreatiónis inítium. In hac enim die cælum novum facit Deus et terram novam, ut ait Prophéta. Ecquod cælum? Firmaméntum eius quæ in Christo est fídei. Ecquam terram? Cor bonum, inquam, ut dixit Dóminus, terram quæ bibit super se veniéntem imbrem, et spicam multíplicem parit.

In hac creatióne, sol quidem est vita munda; stellæ, virtútes; aer, præclára conversátio; mare, altitúdo divitiárum sapiéntiæ et sciéntiæ? herbæ et gérmina, bona doctrína, divináque documénta, quæ pópulus páscuæ, hoc est, Dei grex carpit, atque depáscitur; árbores feréntes fructum, mandatórum observátio.

In hac die verus homo procreátur ad imáginem et similitúdinem Dei. Annon mundus tibi fit hoc princípium, Hæc dies, quam fecit Dóminus? Quam neque diem esse dicit prophéta diébus áliis, neque noctem áliis nóctibus símilem?

Sed quod in hac grátia præstantíssimum est, nondum explicávimus. Hæc mortis dolóres dissólvit. Hæc mortuórum primogénitum édidit.

Ascéndo, inquit, ad Patrem meum et Patrem vestrum, Deum meum et Deum vestrum. O núntium præclárum et bonum! Qui pro nobis factus est homo, is cum sit Unigénitus, quo nos fratres effíciat suos, se hóminem ad verum Patrem addúcit, ut per se ipsum omnes cognátos secum trahat.

From a sermon by Saint Gregory of Nyssa, bishop 

The firstborn of the new creation 

The reign of life has begun, the tyranny of death is ended. A new birth has taken place, a new life has come, a new order of existence has appeared, our very nature has been transformed! This birth is not brought about by human generation, by the will of man, or by the desire of the flesh, but by God. 

If you wonder how, I will explain in clear language. Faith is the womb that conceives this new life, baptism the rebirth by which it is brought forth into the light of day. The Church is its nurse; her teachings are its milk, the bread from heaven is its food. It is brought to maturity by the practice of virtue; it is wedded to wisdom; it gives birth to hope. Its home is the kingdom; its rich inheritance the joys of paradise; its end, not death, but the blessed and everlasting life prepared for those who are worthy. 

This is the day the Lord has made – a day far different from those made when the world was first created and which are measured by the passage of time. This is the beginning of a new creation. On this day, as the prophet says, God makes a new heaven and a new earth. What is this new heaven? you may ask. It is the firmament of our faith in Christ. What is the new earth? A good heart, a heart like the earth, which drinks up the rain that falls on it and yields a rich harvest. 

In this new creation, purity of life is the sun, the virtues are the stars, transparent goodness is the air, and the depths of the riches of wisdom and knowledge, the sea. Sound doctrine, the divine teachings are the grass and plants that feed God’s flock, the people whom he shepherds; the keeping of the commandments is the fruit borne by the trees. 

On this day is created the true man, the man made in the image and likeness of God. For this day the Lord has made is the beginning of this new world. Of this day the prophet says that it is not like other days, nor is this night like other nights. But still we have not spoken of the greatest gift it has brought us. This day destroyed the pangs of death and brought to birth the firstborn of the dead. 

I ascend to my Father and to your Father, to my God and to your God. O what wonderful good news! He who for our sake became like us in order to make us his brothers, now presents to his true Father his own humanity in order to draw all his kindred up after him.

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