Wednesday, April 12, 2023

A Rosary for Priests : The Luminous Mysteries (Thursdays)

I. The Baptism in the Jordan
Pietro Perugino 「Baptism of Christ」
We pray that God will pour forth the Holy Spirit abundantly upon our priests so that they may always be beloved sons in whom the Father is well pleased. We pray that all priests realize their spiritual fatherhood as instruments of divine mercy, especially as assiduous confessors in the sacrament of reconciliation.

II. The Wedding Feast of Cana
Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld 「The Wedding Feast at Cana」
We pray that priests will be devoted to Mary, the Mother of all priests, whose powerful intercession is the surest protection against Satan and his cohorts, who seek the ruin of priestly souls and the priesthood. We pray that priests may find in her the perfect model of their existence.

III. The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
Henrik Olrik 「Altarpiece, Sankt Matthaeus Church, Copenhagen」
We pray that priests may carry out Jesus' instructions to evangelize the whole world, instructing and converting countless souls. We pray that missionaries, by their lives of utter poverty and deprivation, may bring the Gospel to all peoples. May God grant them the zeal necessary for this arduous task.

IV. The Transfiguration
James Tissot 「La Transfiguration」
We pray for priests that have strayed from their primary ministry of caring for the salvation of souls. May they resist worldly temptations and attachments that distract them from the mission Christ intended for them, so that their souls will radiate like the sun before the people they serve.

V. The Institution of the Eucharist
Jacopo Tintoretto 「The Last Supper」
We pray in thanksgiving to God for all priests who daily, through the celebration of Holy Mass, bring us the Body and Blood of Christ. Without them we would not have Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. May their example of reverence inspire the faithful a greater faith, love and respect for the Eucharistic Lord.

Luminous Mysteries (English)

Luminous Mysteries (Latin)

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