Wednesday, April 12, 2023

A Rosary for Priests : The Joyful Mysteries (Mondays & Saturdays)

I. The Annunciation
Philippe de Champaigne 「L'Annonciation」
We pray for all future priests now in the wombs of their mothers, that they may be safe from harm and one day come to ordination as God wills. We pray that all priests, like Mary, may serve God with complete abandonment in the spirit of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

II. The Visitation
Rogier van der Weyden 「De visitatie」
We pray especially for priests who bring Holy Communion to the sick and the shut-ins, and viaticum to the dying. We pray for priests who minister to the sick in other ways, by counselling, comforting and consoling. May their example of consuming charity and humble service lead them to intimate union with Christ.

III. The Nativity
John Singleton Copley 「The Nativity」 
We pray that the infant Jesus may inspire all seminarians to grow in knowledge and love of God, and to become holy priests. We pray especially for those who will be ordained soon, that they may remain faithful all their lives to the sublime call and privilege of being "other Christs" among us.

IV. The Presentation in the Temple
Raphael 「The Presentation in the Temple」
We thank God for all priests who, like Simeon, have given us decades of faithful service. We pray that they may be rewarded for their generosity and self-sacrifice. We pray also for all priests whose hearts are pierced by loneliness, rejection or misunderstanding.

V. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
William Holman Hunt 「The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple」
We pray that priests will always be found going about their Father's business in fidelity to the teaching Magisterium of the Church, the Pope and all the bishops in communion with him. We pray that those priests who are experiencing a time of difficulty or even crisis may be renewed in their vocation.

Joyful Mysteries (English)

Joyful Mysteries (Latin)

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