Monday, February 6, 2023

성 엘리야 예언자 우크라이나 그리스 가톨릭교회 : 건축학과 성화상학 (아이코노그래피 또는 도상학) St Elias the Prophet Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church : Architecture and Iconography

캐나다 온타리오주 브램턴시 성 엘리야 예언자 우크라이나 그리스 가톨릭교회 

1/6 The Vestibule & Narthex  

2/6 On icons, the Incarnation and Truth  

3/6 An explanation of the icons that make up the central dome and their role in liturgy and theology  

4/6 The connection between the icons of the resurrected Christ, the Raising of Jairus' Daughter and the Raising of Lazarus, the Samaritan Woman at the Well and the Healing at the Pool of Bethesda, the Feeding of the 5000 and the Wedding at Cana and the Woman at the House of Simon the Pharisee and Peter being saved from Drowning by Jesus. The story of Christ's life on Earth, and the story of our salvation.  

5/6 The Corona and the main icons of the Iconostasis are discussed.  

6/6 An explanation of what is and what will be seen at the Altar at St. Elias Church.

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