Recommendation : instead of trying to do this podcast according to the secular calendar year (1 January to 31 December), try it according to the liturgical calendar, starting on the First Sunday of Advent. In 2023, the first Sunday of Advent will be 3 December.
Note : Psalm numbers in parentheses denote the Septuagint numbering. Psalm numbers outside parentheses denote the Masoretic numbering.
Holy Bible (Knox Version English) 성경 (한국어) |
Catechism of the Catholic Church (English) 가톨릭 교회 교리서 (한국어) Catechismus Catholicæ Ecclesiæ (Latin) |
"Bringing the Bible Back to Catholics" | Fr. Mike Schmitz and Jeff Cavins |
Preparing for the Bible in a Year Journey w/ Fr. Mike Schmitz | BONUS Why Scripture and Tradition? (with Jeff Cavins) |
Introduction to the Early World (with Jeff Cavins) | BONUS How Do We Trust in Church Authority? (with Bishop Cozzens) |
Day 1 In the Beginning Genesis 1-2 Psalm 19(18) |
Day 1 To Know and Love God CCC 1-10 |
Day 2 The Fall of Adam and Eve Genesis 3-4 Psalm 104(103) |
Day 2 How the Catechism Works CCC 11-25 |
Day 3 Noah's Ark Genesis 5-6 Psalm 136(135) |
Day 3 What We Believe (Part 1 Introduction with Jeff Cavins) |
Day 4 The Flood Genesis 7-9 Psalm 1 |
Day 4 Our Capacity for God CCC 26-35 |
Day 5 Tower of Babel Genesis 10-11 Psalm 2 |
Day 5 How We Know God CCC 36-43 |
Introduction to the Patriarchs (with Jeff Cavins) |
Day 6 Trust in the Lord Genesis 12-13 Job 1-2 Proverbs 1:1-7 |
Day 6 Knowing God With Certainty CCC 44-49 |
Day 7 God's Covenant with Abram Genesis 14-15 Job 3-4 Proverbs 1:8-19 |
Day 7 God Reveals Himself CCC 50-58 |
Day 8 The Surrender of Abraham Genesis 16-17 Job 5-6 Proverbs 1:20-33 |
Day 8 God Forms his People CCC 59-64 |
Day 9 Sodom and Gomorrah Genesis 18-19 Job 7-8 Proverbs 2:1-5 |
Day 9 The Fullness of Revelation CCC 65-73 |
Day 10 Hagar and Ishmael Genesis 20-21 Job 9-10 Proverbs 2:6-8 |
Day 10 The Apostolic Tradition CCC 74-79 |
Day 11 The Sacrifice of Isaac Genesis 22-23 Job 11-12 Proverbs 2:9:15 |
Day 11 Sources of Divine Revelation CCC 80-87 |
Day 12 Isaac and Rebekah Genesis 24 Job 13-14 Proverbs 2:16-19 |
Day 12 Receiving Dogmas CCC 88-95 |
Day 13 Esau Sells His Birthright Genesis 25-26 Job 15-16 Proverbs 2:20-22 |
Day 13 The Single Deposit of Faith CCC 96-100 |
Day 14 Isaac Blesses Jacob Genesis 27-28 Job 17-18 Proverbs 3:1-4 |
Day 14 The Eternal Word of God CCC 101-108 |
Day 15 Leah Feels Unloved Genesis 29-30 Job 19-20 Proverbs 3:5-8 |
Day 15 Interpreting Scripture CCC 109-114 |
Day 16 The Suffering of Job Genesis 31-32 Job 21-22 Proverbs 3:9-12 |
Day 16 Senses of Scripture CCC 115-119 |
Day 17 Jacob Meets Esau Genesis 31-32 Job 21-22 Proverbs 3:9-12 |
Day 17 The Canon of Scripture CCC 120-127 |
Day 18 The Heart of Israel Genesis 35-36 Job 25-26 Proverbs 3:19-24 |
Day 18 The Unity of the Testaments CCC 128-133 |
Day 19 Joseph and His Brothers Genesis 37 Job 27-28 Proverbs 3:25-27 |
Day 19 Summary of Sacred Scripture CCC 134-141 |
Day 20 Judah and Tamar Genesis 38 Job 29-30 Proverbs 3:28-32 |
Day 20 Stepping in Faith CCC 142-149 |
Day 21 Walking with God Genesis 39-40 Job 31-32 Proverbs 3:33-35 |
Day 21 Believing God CCC 150-155 |
Day 22 Go to Joseph Genesis 41-42 Job 33-34 Proverbs 4:1-9 |
Day 22 Wrestling with Faith CCC 156-162 |
Day 23 Judah Changes Genesis 43-44 Job 35-36 Proverbs 4:10-19 |
Day 23 We Believe CCC 163-169 |
Day 24 Tears of Joy Genesis 45-46 Job 37-38 Proverbs 4:20-27 |
Day 24 Unity of Faith CCC 170-175 |
Day 25 Job's Questioning Genesis 47-48 Job 39-40 Psalm 16(15) |
Day 25 Summary of Faith CCC 176-184 |
Day 26 God Responds to Job Genesis 49-50 Job 41-42 Psalm 17(16) |
Day 26 Communion of Believers CCC 185-192 |
Introduction to Egypt & Exodus (with Jeff Cavins) |
Day 27 The Birth of Moses Exodus 1-2 Leviticus 1 Psalm 44(43) |
Day 27 The Gift of the Creed CCC 193-197 |
Day 28 The Burning Bush Exodus 3 Leviticus 2-3 Psalm 45(44) |
Day 28 The Nature of God CCC 198-204 |
Day 29 Moses Returns to Egypt Exodus 4-5 Leviticus 4 Psalm 46(45) |
Day 29 Knowing the Name of God CCC 205-211 |
Day 30 Nile Turned to Blood Exodus 6-7 Leviticus 5 Psalm 47(46) |
Day 30 God Is Who Is CCC 212-221 |
Day 31 Frogs, Gnats, and Flies Exodus 8 Leviticus 6 Psalm 48(47) |
Day 31 The Meaning of Faith CCC 222-231 |
Day 32 Cattle, Boils, and Hail Exodus 9 Leviticus 7 Psalm 49(48) |
Day 32 The Most Holy Trinity CCC 232-237 |
Day 33 Locusts, Darkness, and Death of the First Born Exodus 10-11 Leviticus 8 Psalm 50(49) |
Day 33 God as Father CCC 238-242 |
Day 34 The Passover Instituted Exodus 12 Leviticus 9 Psalm 114(113) |
Day 34 Unity in the Holy Spirit CCC 243-248 |
Day 35 Crossing the Red Sea Exodus 13-14 Leviticus 10 Psalm 53(52) |
Day 35 Formation of Trinitarian Dogma CCC 249-252 |
Day 36 Manna from Heaven Exodus 15-16 Leviticus 11 Psalm 71(70) |
Day 36 The Nature of the Trinity CCC 253-256 |
Day 37 The Mystical Works of God Exodus 17-18 Leviticus 12 Psalm 73(72) |
Day 37 The Divine Economy CCC 257-260 |
Day 38 The Ten Commandments Exodus 19-20 Leviticus 13 Psalm 74(73) |
Day 38 Summary of the Trinity CCC 261-267 |
Day 39 Slavery in the Old Testament Exodus 21 Leviticus 14 Psalm 75(74) |
Day 39 The Father Almighty CCC 268-278 |
Day 40 Laws of Justice Exodus 22 Leviticus 15 Psalm 76(75) |
Day 40 God Is the Creator CCC 279-284 |
Day 41 The Day of Atonement Exodus 23 Leviticus 16 Psalm 77(76) |
Day 41 Origins and Ends CCC 285-289 |
Day 42 Moral Laws Exodus 24 Leviticus 17-18 Psalm 78(77) |
Day 42 The Work of Creation CCC 290-298 |
Day 43 The Ark of the Covenant Exodus 25-26 Leviticus 19 Psalm 119(118):1-56 |
Day 43 Creation Is Good CCC 299-308 |
Day 44 Priestly Garments Exodus 27-28 Leviticus 20 Psalm 119(118): 57-120 |
Day 44 The Scandal of Evil CCC 309-314 |
Day 45 Pray for Priests Exodus 29 Leviticus 21 Psalm 119(118):121-176 |
Day 45 Summary of Creation CCC 315-324 |
Day 46 Set Apart for God Exodus 30-31 Leviticus 22 Psalm 115(114) |
Day 46 Heaven and Earth CCC 325-330 |
Day 47 The Golden Calf Exodus 32 Leviticus 23 Psalm 79(78) |
Day 47 The Angels CCC 331-336 |
Day 48 God's Presence Exodus 33-34 Leviticus 24 Psalm 80(79) |
Day 48 Creation in Order CCC 337-343 |
Day 49 The Year of Jubilee Exodus 35-36 Leviticus 25 Psalm 81(80) |
Day 49 We Are Created For Worship CCC 344-354 |
Day 50 Sacrificial Offerings Exodus 37-38 Leviticus 26 Psalm 82(81) |
Day 50 The Dignity of Man CCC 355-361 |
Day 51 Israel's Worship of God Exodus 39-40 Leviticus 27 Psalm 83(82) |
Day 51 Unity of Soul and Body CCC 362-368 |
Introduction to Desert Wanderings (with Jeff Cavins) |
Day 52 Israel Continues to Journey Numbers 1 Deuteronomy 1 Psalm 84(83) |
Day 52 Male and Female CCC 369-373 |
Day 53 The Twelve Tribes of Israel Numbers 2 Deuteronomy 2 Psalm 85(84) |
Day 53 Man in Paradise CCC 374-384 |
Day 54 The Tribe of Levi Numbers 3 Deuteronomy 3 Psalm 87(86) |
Day 54 The Fall of Man CCC 385-390 |
Day 55 Obedience to God Numbers 4 Deuteronomy 4 Psalm 88(87) |
Day 55 The Fall of the Angels CCC 391-395 |
Day 56 Jealous Husbands Numbers 5 Deuteronomy 5 Psalm 90(89) |
Day 56 Man’s First Sin CCC 396-401 |
Day 57 Hear, O Israel Numbers 6 Deuteronomy 6 Psalm 91(90) |
Day 57 Consequences of Adam’s Sin CCC 402-406 |
Day 58 A Chosen People Numbers 7 Deuteronomy 7 Psalm 92(91) |
Day 58 Man’s Spiritual Battle CCC 407-412 |
Day 59 Obligations to God Numbers 8-9 Deuteronomy 8 Psalm 93(92) |
Day 59 Summary of The Fall CCC 413-421 |
Day 60 Intercessory Prayer Numbers 10 Deuteronomy 9 Psalm 10(9:22-39) |
Day 60 God Sends His Only Son CCC 422-429 |
Day 61 Complaining in the Desert Numbers 11 Deuteronomy 10 Psalm 33(32) |
Day 61 The Name of Jesus CCC 430-435 |
Day 62 Spies Sent to Canaan Numbers 12-13 Deuteronomy 11 Psalm 94(93) |
Day 62 The Christ CCC 436-440 |
Day 63 Israel's Rebellion Numbers 14 Deuteronomy 12 Psalm 95(94) |
Day 63 The Only Son of God CCC 441-445 |
Day 64 Consequences of Sin Numbers 15 Deuteronomy 13-14 Psalm 96(95) |
Day 64 The Lord CCC 446-455 |
Day 65 Revolt Against Moses Numbers 16 Deuteronomy 15-16 Psalm 97(96) |
Day 65 Why the Word Became Flesh CCC 456-463 |
Day 66 Forbidden Forms of Worship Numbers 17 Deuteronomy 17-18 Psalm 98(97) |
Day 66 True God and True Man CCC 464-469 |
Day 67 God's Justice and Refuge Numbers 18 Deuteronomy 19-20 Psalm 99(98) |
Day 67 The Humanity and Divinity of Christ CCC 470-474 |
Day 68 The Waters of Meribah Numbers 19-20 Deuteronomy 21 Psalm 100(99) |
Day 68 The Mystery of the Incarnation CCC 475-483 |
Day 69 The Bronze Serpent Numbers 21 Deuteronomy 22 Psalm 102(101) |
Day 69 Born of the Virgin Mary CCC 484-489 |
Day 70 The Offense of Balaam Numbers 22 Deuteronomy 23 Psalm 105(104) |
Day 70 The Immaculate Conception CCC 490-494 |
Day 71 The Source of the Law Numbers 23 Deuteronomy 24-25 Psalm 106(105) |
Day 71 Mary’s Virginity CCC 495-501 |
Day 72 The Plains of Moab Numbers 24-25 Deuteronomy 26 Psalm 107(106) |
Day 72 Mary’s Motherhood CCC 502-511 |
Day 73 Inheritance of Land Numbers 26 Deuteronomy 27 Psalm 111(110) |
Day 73 Christ’s Life Is Mystery CCC 512-521 |
Day 74 Joshua Appointed Numbers 27-28 Deuteronomy 28 Psalm 112(111) |
Day 74 The Christmas Mystery CCC 522-526 |
Day 75 The Keeping of Vows Numbers 29-30 Deuteronomy 29 Psalm 113(112) |
Day 75 Jesus’ Infancy and Hidden Life CCC 527-534 |
Day 76 War Against Midian Numbers 31 Deuteronomy 30 Psalm 116(115) |
Day 76 Jesus’ Baptism and Temptation CCC 535-540 |
Day 77 God is Faithful Numbers 32 Deuteronomy 31 Psalm 117(116) |
Day 77 The Kingdom of God CCC 541-546 |
Day 78 The Song of Moses Numbers 33 Deuteronomy 32 Psalm 118(117) |
Day 78 Signs of the Kingdom CCC 547-553 |
Day 79 Psalms of Ascent Numbers 34 Deuteronomy 33 Psalm 120(119) |
Day 79 Jesus’ Transfiguration and Messianic Acts CCC 554-560 |
Day 80 Cities of Refuge Numbers 35-36 Deuteronomy 34 Psalm 121(120) |
Day 80 Summary of the Mysteries of Christ’s Life CCC 561-570 |
Introduction to Conquest & Judges (with Jeff Cavins) |
Day 81 Israel Crosses the Jordan Joshua(Josue) 1-4 Psalm 123(122) |
Day 81 Christ’s Paschal Mystery CCC 571-576 |
Day 82 The Valley of Achor Joshua(Josue) 5-7 Psalm 125 |
Day 82 Jesus and the Law CCC 577-582 |
Day 83 The Gibeonite Trickery Joshua(Josue) 8-9 Psalm 126(125) |
Day 83 Jesus and the Temple CCC 583-586 |
Day 84 The Sun Stands Still Joshua(Josue) 10-11 Psalm 128(127) |
Day 84 The Claim of Saviour CCC 587-594 |
Day 85 Fighting for Each Other Joshua(Josue) 12-14 Psalm 129(128) |
Day 85 The Trial of Christ CCC 595-598 |
Day 86 The Real Presence of God Joshua(Josue) 15-18 Psalm 130(129) |
Day 86 God’s Plan of Salvation CCC 599-605 |
Day 87 God Keeps His Promises Joshua(Josue) 19-21 Psalm 131(130) |
Day 87 Christ’s Life as Offering CCC 606-612 |
Day 88 Joshua's Last Words to Israel Joshua 22-24 Psalm 132(131) |
Day 88 Christ’s Definitive Sacrifice CCC 613-623 |
Day 89 Israel's Cycle of Disobedience Judges 1-3 Ruth 1 Psalm 133(132) |
Day 89 Jesus Christ Was Buried CCC 624-630 |
Day 90 Ruth and Boaz Judges 4-5 Ruth 2 Psalm 134(133) |
Day 90 Christ Descended into Hell CCC 631-637 |
Day 91 Gideon's Story Judges 6-8 Ruth 3 Psalm 135(134) |
Day 91 Christ Rose from the Dead CCC 638-644 |
Day 92 Jephthah's Vow Judges 9-11 Ruth 4 Psalm 137(136) |
Day 92 The Man of Heaven CCC 645-650 |
Day 93 Strengths and Weaknesses Judges 12-15 Psalm 146(145) |
Day 93 The Meaning of the Resurrection CCC 651-658 |
Day 94 Samson and Delilah Judges 16-18 Psalm 147(146 & 147) |
Day 94 Christ’s Ascension into Heaven CCC 659-667 |
Day 95 The Sin of Benjamin Judges 19-21 Psalm 148 |
Day 95 Christ’s Reign on Earth CCC 668-674 |
Day 96 Hannah's Prayer 1 Samuel(1 Kings) 1-2 Psalm 149 |
Day 96 The Church’s Ultimate Trial CCC 675-682 |
Day 97 Samuel's Prophecy 1 Samuel(1 Kings) 3-5 Psalm 150 |
Day 97 Introduction to the Holy Spirit CCC 683-688 |
Day 98 Israel Asks for a King 1 Samuel(1 Kings) 6-8 Psalm 86(85) |
Day 98 The Son and the Spirit CCC 689-693 |
Messianic Checkpoint : The Gospel of John |
Day 99 The Word Became Flesh John 1-3 Proverbs 5:1-6 |
Day 99 Symbols of the Holy Spirit CCC 694-701 |
Day 100 This Is My Body John 4-6 Proverbs 5:7-14 |
Day 100 God’s Word and Spirit CCC 702-710 |
Day 101 Signs and Wonders John 7-9 Proverbs 5:15-23 |
Day 101 Expecting the Messiah CCC 711-720 |
Day 102 The Death of Lazarus John 10-12 Proverbs 6:1-5 |
Day 102 The Holy Spirit’s Mission CCC 721-730 |
Day 103 Judas' Secrecy John 13-15 Proverbs 6:6-11 |
Day 103 The Power of Pentecost CCC 731-736 |
Day 104 The Priestly Prayer of Jesus John 16-18 Proverbs 6:12-15 |
Day 104 The Holy Spirit and the Church CCC 737-747 |
Day 105 It Is Finished John 19-21 Proverbs 6:16-22 |
Day 105 Christ’s Church and its Mission CCC 748-752 |
Introduction to the Royal Kingdom (with Jeff Cavins) |
Day 106 Saul Is Chosen 1 Samuel(1 Kings) 9-10 Proverbs 6:23-35 |
Day 106 Symbols of the Church CCC 753-757 |
Day 107 Samuel's Speech 1 Samuel(1 Kings) 11-12 Psalm 55(54) |
Day 107 Origin of the Church CCC 758-766 |
Day 108 Saul's Vanity 1 Samuel(1 Kings) 13-14 Psalm 58(57) |
Day 108 Revealed by the Holy Spirit CCC 767-771 |
Day 109 A Heart of Obedience 1 Samuel(1 Kings) 15-16 Psalm 61(60) |
Day 109 Mystery of Union With God CCC 772-780 |
Day 110 David and Goliath 1 Samuel(1 Kings) 17 Psalm 12(11) |
Day 110 The People of God CCC 781-786 |
Day 111 Saul Tries to Kill David 1 Samuel(1 Kings) 18-19 Psalm 59(58) |
Day 111 The Church as the Body of Christ CCC 787-791 |
Day 112 True Friendship 1 Samuel(1 Kings) 20 Psalm 142(141) |
Day 112 The Church Is the Bride CCC 792-796 |
Day 113 Broken Trust 1 Samuel(1 Kings) 21-22 Psalm 52(51) |
Day 113 The Temple of the Holy Spirit CCC 797-810 |
Day 114 David Saves Keilah 1 Samuel(1 Kings) 23 Psalm 54(53) |
Day 114 The Church Is One CCC 811-816 |
Day 115 King Saul is Spared 1 Samuel(1 Kings) 24 Psalm 57(56) |
Day 115 Wounds to Unity CCC 817-822 |
Day 116 David and Abigail 1 Samuel(1Kings) 25 Psalm 63(62) |
Day 116 The Church Is Holy CCC 823-829 |
Day 117 Reverence and Faithfulness 1 Samuel(1 Kings) 26 Psalm 56(55) |
Day 117 The Church Is Catholic CCC 830-838 |
Day 118 King Saul Despairs 1 Samuel(1 Kings) 27-28 Psalm 34(33) |
Day 118 The Church and Non-Christians CCC 839-848 |
Day 119 David's Wisdom 1 Samuel(1 Kings) 29-31 Psalm 18(17) |
Day 119 The Church’s Missionary Mandate CCC 849-856 |
Day 120 David Mourns Saul 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 1 1 Chronicles 1 Psalm 13(12) |
Day 120 The Apostolic Church CCC 857-862 |
Day 121 Cycle of Violence 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 2 1 Chronicles 2 Psalm 24(23) |
Day 121 The Apostolate CCC 863-870 |
Day 122 Abner Is Killed 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 3 1 Chronicles 3-4 Psalm 25(24) |
Day 122 Christ’s Faithful CCC 871-879 |
Day 123 The Death of Ish-bosheth 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 4 1 Chronicles 5-6 Psalm 26(25) |
Day 123 The Pope CCC 880-887 |
Day 124 King David Rules 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 5 1 Chronicles 7-8 Psalm 27(26) |
Day 124 Teaching, Sanctifying, and Governing CCC 888-896 |
Day 125 Covenant with David 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 6-7 1 Chronicles 9 Psalm 89(88) |
Day 125 Vocation of the Laity CCC 897-903 |
Day 126 David's Victories 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 8 1 Chronicles 10-11 Psalm 60(59) |
Day 126 Prophetic and Kingly Offices CCC 904-913 |
Day 127 Kindness for the House of Saul 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 9 1 Chronicles 12 Psalm 28(27) |
Day 127 Consecrated Life CCC 914-924 |
Day 128 Mighty Men of Valor 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 10 1 Chronicles 13 Psalm 31(30) |
Day 128 Unique Calls to Holiness CCC 925-933 |
Day 129 David Commits Adultery 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 11 1 Chronicles 14-15 Psalm 32(31) |
Day 129 Many Vocations CCC 934-945 |
Day 130 Nathan Condemns David 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 12 1 Chronicles 16 Psalm 51(50) |
Day 130 The Communion of Saints CCC 946-953 |
Day 131 Hope for the Future 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 13 1 Chronicles 17 Psalm 35(34) |
Day 131 The Communion of the Church CCC 954-962 |
Day 132 David and Absalom 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 14 1 Chronicles 18 Psalm 14(13) |
Day 132 Mary Mother of the Church CCC 963-970 |
Day 133 Persevering in Trust 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 15 1 Chronicles 19-20 Psalm 3 |
Day 133 Devotion to Mary CCC 971-975 |
Day 134 Devastating Effects of Sin 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 16 1 Chronicles 21 Psalm 15(14) |
Day 134 The Forgiveness of Sins CCC 976-987 |
Day 135 The Counsel of Hushai 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 17 1 Chronicles 22 Psalm 36(35) |
Day 135 The Resurrection of the Body CCC 988-996 |
Day 136 Absalom Is Defeated 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 18 1 Chronicles 23 Psalm 37(36) |
Day 136 Questions of Resurrection CCC 997-1004 |
Day 137 David Mourns Absalom 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 19 1 Chronicles 24 Psalm 38(37) |
Day 137 Dying in Christ Jesus CCC 1005-1011 |
Day 138 The Effect of Sin on Others 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 20 1 Chronicles 25 Psalm 39(38) |
Day 138 Summary of the Resurrection of the Body CCC 1012-1019 |
Day 139 Reparation to the Gibeonites 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 21 1 Chronicles 26 Psalm 40(39) |
Day 139 I Believe in Life Everlasting CCC 1020-1029 |
Day 140 David's Prayer of Thanksgiving 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 22 1 Chronicles 27 Psalm 41(40) |
Day 140 Purgatory and Hell CCC 1030-1037 |
Day 141 The Life of David 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 23 1 Chronicles 28 Psalm 42(41) |
Day 141 The Last Judgment CCC 1038-1041 |
Day 142 Whole and Joyful Hearts 2 Samuel(2 Kings) 24 1 Chronicles 29 Psalm 30(29) |
Day 142 The New Heaven and the New Earth CCC 1042-1050 |
Day 143 Solomon Asks for Wisdom 1 Kings(3 Kings) 1 2 Chronicles 1 Psalm 43(42) |
Day 143 Amen CCC 1051-1065 |
Day 144 David's Last Words 1 Kings(3 Kings) 2 2 Chronicles 2-3 Psalm 62(61) |
Day 144 How We Worship (Part 2 Introduction with Bishop Andrew Cozzens) |
Day 145 Solomon Builds the Temple 1 Kings(3 Kings) 3 2 Chronicles 4-5 Psalm 64(63) |
Day 145 Introduction to the Liturgy CCC 1066-1075 |
Day 146 The Universal Church 1 Kings(3 Kings) 4 2 Chronicles 6 Psalm 65(64) |
Day 146 The Father’s Work in the Liturgy CCC 1076-1083 |
Day 147 Temple Worship 1 Kings(3 Kings) 5 2 Chronicles 7-8 Psalm 66(65) |
Day 147 Christ’s Work in the Liturgy CCC 1084-1090 |
Day 148 Solomon's Wealth 1 Kings(3 Kings) 6 2 Chronicles 9 Psalm 4 |
Day 148 The Holy Spirit’s Work in the Liturgy CCC 1091-1098 |
Day 149 All Is Vanity 1 Kings(3 Kings) 7 Ecclesiastes 1-2 Psalm 5 |
Day 149 The Holy Spirit Recalls Christ’s Mystery CCC 1099-1103 |
Day 150 The Dedication of the Temple 1 Kings(3 Kings) 8 Ecclesiastes 3-5 Psalm 6 |
Day 150 The Epiclesis CCC 1104-1112 |
Day 151 Wisdom and Folly 1 Kings(3 Kings) 9 Ecclesiastes 6-7 Psalm 7 |
Day 151 The Seven Sacraments CCC 1113-1121 |
Day 152 Being Forgotten 1 Kings(3 Kings) 10 Ecclesiastes 8-9 Psalm 8 |
Day 152 Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi CCC 1122-1126 |
Day 153 The Decline of Solomon 1 Kings(3 Kings) 11 Ecclesiastes 10-12 Psalm 9:1-21 |
Day 153 Sacraments Save CCC 1127-1129 |
Messianic Checkpoint: The Gospel of Mark |
Day 154 The Baptism of Jesus Mark 1-2 Psalm 11(10) |
Day 154 Sacraments of Eternal Life CCC 1130-1134 |
Day 155 Jesus is Lord Mark 3-4 Psalm 20(19) |
Day 155 Who Celebrates the Liturgy CCC 1135-1144 |
Day 156 Jesus Casts Out Demons Mark 5-6 Psalm 21(20) |
Day 156 How the Liturgy Is Celebrated CCC 1145-1152 |
Day 157 Following Jesus Mark 7-8 Psalm 23(22) |
Day 157 God’s Word and Sacred Music CCC 1153-1158 |
Day 158 The Reality of Sin Mark 9-10 Psalm 29(28) |
Day 158 Holy Images in the Liturgy CCC 1159-1162 |
Day 159 Bearing Fruit Mark 11-12 Psalm 67(66) |
Day 159 When the Liturgy Is Celebrated CCC 1163-1167 |
Day 160 Jesus Warns the People Mark 13-14 Psalm 68(67) |
Day 160 The Liturgical Year CCC 1168-1173 |
Day 161 The Crucifixion of Christ Mark 15-16 Psalm 22(21) |
Day 161 The Liturgy of the Hours CCC 1174-1178 |
Introduction to the Divided Kingdom (with Jeff Cavins) |
Day 162 Rehobo′am Seeks Counsel 1 Kings(3 Kings) 12 2 Chronicles 10-11 Song of Solomon 1 |
Day 162 Where the Liturgy Is Celebrated CCC 1179-1186 |
Day 163 Faith Over Success 1 Kings(3 Kings) 13 2 Chronicles 12-13 Song of Solomon 2. |
Day 163 Summary of the Liturgy CCC 1187-1199 |
Day 164 Tearing Down Idols 1 Kings(3 Kings) 14 2 Chronicles 14-15 Song of Solomon 3 |
Day 164 Liturgical Diversity and Unity CCC 1200-1203 |
Day 165 The Lover and the Beloved 1 Kings(3 Kings) 15-16 2 Chronicles 16-17 Song of Solomon 4 |
Day 165 Summary of Liturgical Diversity CCC 1204-1209 |
Day 166 Responding in Faith 1 Kings(3 Kings) 17-18 2 Chronicles 18-19 Song of Solomon 5 |
Day 166 Introduction to Baptism CCC 1210-1222 |
Day 167 Viaticum 1 Kings(3 Kings) 19-20 2 Chronicles 20 Song of Solomon 6 |
Day 167 The Baptism of Christ CCC 1223-1228 |
Day 168 Wicked Kings 1 Kings(3 Kings) 21 2 Chronicles 21-22 Song of Solomon 7 |
Day 168 The Celebration of Baptism CCC 1229-1233 |
Day 169 Joash Is Crowned 1 Kings(3 Kings) 22 2 Chronicles 23 Song of Solomon 8 |
Day 169 The Mystagogy of Baptism CCC 1234-1245 |
Day 170 Joash's Downfall 2 Kings(4 Kings) 1 2 Chronicles 24 Psalm 69(68) |
Day 170 Who Can Be Baptized? CCC 1246-1252 |
Day 171 Elijah and Elisha 2 Kings(4 Kings) 2 2 Chronicles 25 Psalm 70(69) |
Day 171 The Necessity of Baptism CCC 1253-1261 |
Day 172 Uzziah's Pride 2 Kings(4 Kings) 3 2 Chronicles 26-27 Psalm 72(71) |
Day 172 What Does Baptism Do? CCC 1262-1266 |
Day 173 Confidence in God 2 Kings(4 Kings) 4 2 Chronicles 28 Psalm 127(126) |
Day 173 Brothers and Sisters in Baptism CCC 1267-1274 |
Day 174 The Prophet Hosea 2 Kings(4 Kings) 5 Hosea 1-3 Psalm 101(100) |
Day 174 Summary of the Sacrament of Baptism CCC 1275-1284 |
Day 175 Knowledge of God 2 Kings(4 Kings) 6-7 Hosea 4-7 Psalm 103(102) |
Day 175 Introduction to Confirmation CCC 1285-1289 |
Day 176 Choosing Eternal Life 2 Kings(4 Kings) 8 Hosea 8-10 Psalm 108(107) |
Day 176 Traditions and Signs of Confirmation CCC 1290-1296 |
Day 177 Return, O Israel 2 Kings(4 Kings) 9 Hosea 11-14 Psalm 109(108) |
Day 177 The Celebration of Confirmation CCC 1297-1305 |
Day 178 Called Back 2 Kings(4 Kings) 10 Amos 1-3 Psalm 110(109) |
Day 178 Who Receives Confirmation CCC 1306-1314 |
Day 179 Blinded by Comfort 2 Kings(4 Kings) 11-12 Amos 4-6 Psalm 122(121) |
Day 179 Summary of Confirmation CCC 1315-1321 |
Day 180 Giving Time to God 2 Kings(4 Kings) 13-14 Amos 7-9 Psalm 124(123) |
Day 180 The Source and Summit CCC 1322-1327 |
Day 181 Jonah and the Whale 2 Kings(4 Kings) 15 Jonah 1-4 Psalm 138(137) |
Day 181 The Sacrament of the Eucharist CCC 1328-1332 |
Day 182 The Inescapable God 2 Kings(4 Kings) 16 Micah 1-4 Psalm 139(138) |
Day 182 The Signs of Bread and Wine CCC 1333-1340 |
Day 183 Israel Falls to Assyria 2 Kings(4 Kings) 17 Micah 5-7 Psalm 140(139) |
Day 183 The Mass of All Ages CCC 1341-1347 |
Introduction to the Exile (with Jeff Cavins) |
Day 184 Hezekiah Reigns 2 Kings(4 Kings) 18 2 Chronicles 29 Psalm 141(140) |
Day 184 The Movement of the Mass CCC 1348-1355 |
Day 185 Hezekiah's Prayer 2 Kings(4 Kings) 19 2 Chronicles 30 Psalm 143(142) |
Day 185 Thanksgiving, Memorial, Presence CCC 1356-1361 |
Day 186 Struggles with Self-Interest 2 Kings(4 Kings) 20 2 Chronicles 31 Psalm 144(143) |
Day 186 The Sacrificial Memorial CCC 1362-1386 |
Day 187 Praying for Time 2 Kings(4 Kings) 21 2 Chronicles 32 Psalm 145(144) |
Day 187 The Church’s Sacrificial Unity CCC 1369-1372 |
Day 188 The Book of the Law 2 Kings(4 Kings) 22 2 Chronicles 33 Proverbs 7 |
Day 188 Christ’s Presence in the Eucharist CCC 1373-1377 |
Day 189 Follow the Lord 2 Kings(4 Kings) 23 2 Chronicles 34 Proverbs 8:1-21 |
Day 189 Worship of the Eucharist CCC 1378-1383 |
Day 190 Judah is Overrun 2 Kings(4 Kings) 24 2 Chronicles 35 Proverbs 8:22-36 |
Day 190 Receiving Holy Communion CCC 1384-1390 |
Day 191 The Babylonian Exile 2 Kings(4 Kings) 25 2 Chronicles 36 Proverbs 9:1-6 |
Day 191 The Eucharist Changes Us CCC 1391-1395 |
Day 192 The Prophet Isaiah Isaiah 1-2 Tobit 1-2 Proverbs 9:7-12 |
Day 192 Unity in the Eucharist CCC 1396-1401 |
Day 193 The Book of Tobit Isaiah 3-4 Tobit 3-4 Proverbs 9:13-18 |
Day 193 Communion Forever in Heaven CCC 1402-1405 |
Day 194 Holy Is the Lord Isaiah 5-6 Tobit 5-6 Proverbs 10:1-4 |
Day 194 Summary of the Sacrament of the Eucharist CCC 1406-1419 |
Day 195 Tobias and Sarah Pray Isaiah 7-8 Tobit 7-9 Proverbs 10:5-8 |
Day 195 Penance and Reconciliation CCC 1420-1426 |
Day 196 Destruction of Israel Isaiah 9-10 Tobit 10-12 Proverbs 10:9-12 |
Day 196 Conversion of the Baptized CCC 1427-1433 |
Day 197 Woe and Consolation Isaiah 11-13 Tobit 13-14 Proverbs 10:13-16 |
Day 197 Forms of Penance CCC 1434-1439 |
Day 198 The Day of the Lord Isaiah 14-15 Joel 1-2 Proverbs 10:17-20 |
Day 198 Reconciliation with God CCC 1440-1445 |
Day 199 Times for War Isaiah 16-17 Joel 3 Proverbs 10:21-24 |
Day 199 The Sacrament of Forgiveness CCC 1446-1454 |
Day 200 Egypt, Assyria, and Israel Isaiah 18-20 Nahum 1-2 Proverbs 10:25-28 |
Day 200 The Confession of Sins CCC 1455-1460 |
Day 201 Keys to the Kingdom Isaiah 21-22 Nahum 3 Proverbs 10:29-32 |
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Day 202 God's Judgment Isaiah 23-24 Habakkuk 1-2 Proverbs 11:1-4 |
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Day 203 Rejoice in the Lord Isaiah 25-27 Habakkuk 3 Proverbs 11:5-8 |
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Day 204 Zephaniah's Warnings Isaiah 28-29 Zephaniah 1-2 Proverbs 11:9-12 |
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Day 205 Promise to Zion Isaiah 30-31 Zephaniah 3 Proverbs 11:13-16 |
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Day 206 The Book of Baruch Isaiah 32-33 Baruch 1-2 Proverbs 11:17-20 |
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Day 207 The Lord Will Come Isaiah 34-36 Baruch 3-4 Proverbs 11:21-24 |
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Day 208 The Futility of Idols Isaiah 37-38 Baruch 5-6 Proverbs 11:25-28 |
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Day 209 God Comforts His People Isaiah 39-40 Ezekiel 1 Proverbs 11:29-31 |
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Day 210 Speaking God's Word Isaiah 41-42 Ezekiel 2-3 Proverbs 12:1-4 |
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Day 211 Called by Name Isaiah 43-44 Ezekiel 4-5 Proverbs 12:5-8 |
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Day 212 God's Instrument Isaiah 45-46 Ezekiel 6-7 Proverbs 12:9-12 |
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Day 213 The Redeemer Isaiah 47-48 Ezekiel 8-9 Proverbs 12:13-16 |
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Day 214 The Hidden Glory of God Isaiah 49-50 Ezekiel 10-11 Proverbs 12:17-20 |
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Day 215 False Prophets Isaiah 51-52 Ezekiel 12-13 Proverbs 12:21-24 |
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Day 216 The Suffering Servant Isaiah 53-54 Ezekiel 14-15 Proverbs 12:25-28 |
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Day 217 The Everlasting Covenant Isaiah 55-56 Ezekiel 16 Proverbs 13:1-4 |
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Day 218 Each Will Be Judged Isaiah 57-58 Ezekiel 17-18 Proverbs 13:5-8 |
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Day 219 Separation from God Isaiah 59-60 Ezekiel 19 Proverbs 13:9-12 |
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Day 220 Prophecy Fulfilled Isaiah 61-62 Ezekiel 20 Proverbs 13:13-16 |
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Day 221 Walking with Wise Men Isaiah 63-64 Ezekiel 21-22 Proverbs 13:17-20 |
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Day 222 Idolatry and Adultery Isaiah 65 Ezekiel 23-24 Proverbs 13:21-25 |
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Day 223 Responding Well Isaiah 66 Ezekiel 25-26 Proverbs 14:1-4 |
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Day 224 The Weeping Prophet Jeremiah 1 Ezekiel 27 Proverbs 14:5-8 |
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Day 225 Our Will vs. God's Will Jeremiah 2 Ezekiel 28 Proverbs 14:9-12 |
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Day 226 Unfaithful Israel Jeremiah 3 Ezekiel 29-30 Proverbs 14:13-16 |
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Day 227 The Towering Cedar Jeremiah 4 Ezekiel 31-32 Proverbs 14:17-20 |
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Day 228 The Watchman's Duty Jeremiah 5 Ezekiel 33 Proverbs 14:21-24 |
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Day 229 Shepherds of Israel Jeremiah 6 Ezekiel 34-35 Proverbs 14:25-28 |
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Day 230 A New Heart Jeremiah 7 Ezekiel 36 Proverbs 14:29-32 |
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Day 231 The Valley of Dry Bones Jeremiah 8 Ezekiel 37-38 Proverbs 14:33-35 |
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Day 232 Glory in Knowing God Jeremiah 9 Ezekiel 39 Proverbs 15:1-4 |
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Day 233 Correct me, O Lord Jeremiah 9 Ezekiel 39 Proverbs 15:1-4 |
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Day 234 Jeremiah Complains Jeremiah 12-13 Ezekiel 41-42 Proverbs 15:9-12 |
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Day 235 Lying Prophets Jeremiah 14-15 Ezekiel 43-44 Proverbs 15:13-16 |
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Day 236 Rich in Love Jeremiah 16-17 Ezekiel 45-46 Proverbs 15:17-20 |
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Day 237 Water from the Temple Jeremiah 18-19 Ezekiel 47-48 Proverbs 15:21-24 |
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Day 238 Fall of Jerusalem Jeremiah 20-21 Daniel 1-2 Proverbs 15:25-28 |
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Day 239 Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah Jeremiah 22 Daniel 3 Proverbs 15:29-33 |
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Day 240 Remaining Humble Jeremiah 23 Daniel 4-5 Proverbs 16:1-4 |
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Day 241 Daniel and the Den of Lions Jeremiah 24-25 Daniel 6-7 Proverbs 16:5-8 |
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