Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Bishop Fulton J. Sheen 『Life of Christ』


1. The only person ever pre-announced

2. Early life of Christ

3. The three short cuts from the Cross

4. The lamb of God

5. The beginning of "The Hour"

6. The Temple of His Body

7. Nicodemus, the Serpent, and the Cross

8. Savior of the World

9. The first public announcement of His Death

10. The choosing of The Twelve

11. Beatitudes

12. The intruder who was a woman

13. The man who lost his head

14. The bread of life

15. The refusal to be a bread King

16. Purity and property

17. Our Lord's testimony concerning Himself

18. Transfiguration

19. The three quarrelings

20. The attempted arrest at the Feast of Tabernacles

21. Only the innocent may condemn

22. The Good Shepherd

23. The Son of Man

24. Caesar or God

25. His hour had not yet come

26. The mightiest arrow in the Divine quiver

27. More than a teacher

28. The Pagans and the Cross

29. The growing opposition

30. The fox and the hen

31. The Resurrection that prepared His death

32. The woman who dimly foresaw His death

33. Entrance into Jerusalem

34. The visit of the Greeks

35. The King's Son marked for death

36. The Last Supper

37. The servant of the servants

38. Judas

39. The Divine lover's farewell

40. Our Lord's "My Father"

41. The agony in the garden

42. The kiss that blistered

43. The religious trial

44. The denials of Peter

45. Trial before Pilate

46. At the bottom of the list

47. Second trial before Pilate

48. The Crucifixion

49. The seven words from the Cross

50. Seven words to the Cross

51. The rending of the veil of the Temple

52. The piercing of the side

53. The night friends of Christ

54. The Earth's most serious wound — The empty tomb

55. The doors being closed

56. Fingers, hands, and nails

57. Love as the condition of authority

58. The Divine mandate

59. Last appearance in Jerusalem

60. Repentance

61. The Ascension

62. Christ takes on a new Body

Dedicated in Filial Affection 

to Mary

the Triple Author

First as Mother Who Didst Give to the Son

of the Living God

A Body with Which He Borrowed Human Guilt

and Paid Back Death with Life

Then as Author of These Words About the Word

For Only in Dark Hours When Gall with Ink Did Mix

She Made the Writer See Christ and Crucifix

And Last as Author with the Spirit of Christ

in Each Reader’s Heart

Acting on Each Page as the Sweet Incendiary

of That Love We Fall Just Short of

in All Love

For a PDF of this book, click HERE.

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