Friday, April 14, 2023

Petitiones pro Me | Petitions for Myself

Credo, Domine, sed credam firmius.I believe, Lord, but let me believe more firmly.
Spero, Domine, sed sperem securius.I hope, Lord, but let me hope more steadfastly.
Amo, Domine, sed amem ardentius.I love, Lord, but let me love more ardently.
Doleo, Domine, doleam vehementius.I repent, Lord, but let me repent more deeply.
O, Domine, quia ego servus tuus, et filius ancillae tuae.O Lord, I am Thy servant, the son of Thy handmaid.
Ecce servus tuus, fiat mihi secundum voluntatem tuam.Behold Thy servant; let it be done to me according to Thy will.
Domine, quid me vis facere?Lord, what wilt Thou have me do?
Doce me facere voluntatem tuam, quia Deus meus es tu.Teach me to do Thy will, for Thou art my God.
Dabis ergo servo tuo cor docile, ut populum judicare possim, et discernere inter bonum et malum.Give to Thy servant an understanding heart, to judge the people, and to discern between good and evil.
Pater da mihi humilitatem, mansuetudinem, castitatem, patientiam, et charitatem.Father, give me humility, meekness, chastity, patience and charity.
Pater, bonitatem et disciplinam et scientiam doce me.Father, teach me goodness, discipline and knowledge.
Pater da mihi amorem tuum cum gratia tua et dives sum satis.Father, give me Thy love and Thy grace and I will be rich enough.
Deus meus, Jesus meus et omnia.My God, my Jesus, my All!
In cruce vivo, et in cruce cupio mori; et non meis manibus, sed ab alienis spero descendere a cruce, postquam consummatum fuerit sacrificium.On the cross I have lived, and on the cross I desire to die; and I hope to descend from the cross not by my own hands, but by the hands of others, after the sacrifice shall have been consummated. 
Absit mihi gloriari nisi in cruce Domini mei Jesu Christi, per quem mihi mundus crucifixus est et ego mundo.God forbid that I should glory, except in the cross of my Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified to me, and I to the world. 

Saint Anthony Mary Claret

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