Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Vladimir Solovyov (Влади́мир Соловьёв) 『Russia and the Universal Church』



Part One : The State of Religion in Russia and the Christian East

1. The Russian legend of St. Nicolas and St. Cassian. Its application to the two separated Churches

2. The Question of the raison d'etre of Russia

3. The true Orthodoxy of the Russian people and the Pseudo-orthodoxy of the anti-Catholic theologians

4. Russian dissent. The relative truth of the Raskol. Mgr. Philaret of Moscow and his conception of the universal Church

5. Critical observations on the Russian slavophiles and their ideas concerning the Church

6. Religious freedom and ecclesiastical freedom

7. I.S. Aksakov on the official Church in Russia

8. Relations between the Russian and Greek Churches. Bulgaria and Serbia

9. The fulfillment of a prophecy. Caesaropapism in action

10. The design to establish a quasi-papacy at Constantinople or Jerusalem

Part Two : The Ecclesiastical Monarchy founded by Jesus Christ

1. The rock of the Church

2. The primacy of St. Peter as a permanent institution. The three rocks of Christendom

3. "Peter" and "Satan"

4. The Church as a universal society. The principle of love

5. The keys of the kingdom

6. The government of the universal church. The center of unity

7. The monarchies foretold by Daniel. "Roma" and "Amor"

8. The "Son of Man" and the "Rock"

9. Ancient and modern witness to the primacy of Peter

10. The Apostle Peter and the Papacy

11. Pope St. Leo the Great on the primacy

12. St. Leo the Great on Papal Authority

13. The approval of St. Leo's ideas by the Greek Fathers. The "Robber Council" of Ephesus

14. The Council of Chalcedon

Part Three : The Trinitary Principle and its Social Application

1. The Divine Trinity rationally deduced from the idea of being

2. The three Divine Hypostases and the proper signification of their Names

3. The Divine essence and its threefold manifestation

4. The soul of the world; the principle of creation, space, time and mechanical causality

5. The higher world. The freedom of pure spirits

6. The three main stages of the Cosmogonic Process

7. The threefold Incarnation of the Divine Wisdom

8. Messianic Man and the chaos of Mankind. The primitive elements of Trinitary Society

9. The Messianic preparation among the Hindus, the Greeks and the Hebrews

10. The absolute sovereignty of Christ. The social Trinity. Priesthood and Fatherhood

11. Kingship and Sonship. Prophecy. The three Sacraments of the Rights of Man

12. The four Sacraments of the Duties of Man

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